Saturday 4 April 2015

{April A-Z Challenge} The Letter D

D is for … Donuts

Jam, cream, sprinkles and glazing - if it’s on a donut, I will eat it!

Recently we attended our own Donut Dipping experience and were given a blank canvas to decorate as we wanted.

After much deliberation I chose a half and half glaze of Raspberry and Vanilla. My ice-cream scoop was vanilla flavour (I am 1 of the few girls I know who prefers vanilla over chocolate) and to end off, I topped my creation off peppermint crisp, chocolate and fudge sprinkles.

And look at our beautiful view of the city - Johannesburg really does have its' charms.


  1. Donut dipping?! Yes please! I went through a long phase of disliking donuts, and then suddenly a couple years ago I had a craving one day and since then... Mmm.. Donut.... :)
    ~AJ Lauer
    an A-Z Cohost
    @ayjaylauer on Twitter

    1. As long as the donut is fresh. A stale donut is a terrible let-down!

  2. SO delicious! I have a vanilla ice cream preference as well. And the photo of Johannesburg? That gave me flashback cravings ... but not for donuts. I spent my summer in South Africa in 1986. I believe it was in Johannesburg where we enjoyed a place called Rainbow Ranch and I had the first hamburger I thought I could die for (I wasn't a fan before). It is forever in my mind ... plus the rainbow of flavors swirled in our huge ice cream "glasses" (like you would use for a float).

    1. 1986! You should come back, our country has changed so much and Johannesburg is a gorgeous city to explore Ingrid


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