Thursday 9 April 2015

{April A-Z Challenge} The Letter H

H is for ... Heirlooms

My grandparents were not well off and relied on their measly state funded pensions and my parents to live out their retirement years. 

When they passed away, we did not inherit money. Instead, we inherited special items which my grandparents had cherished.

You know how old people are - Their special clothes are carefully wrapped in tissue paper, their precious belongings lovingly stowed in a box, all ready to be paraded at the next family gathering. I recall finding a jersey I had bought for my gran, wrapped up in tissue paper, with the tag on, waiting to be worn, but she never go the chance. 

That was my life lesson: 
Wear your pretty clothes now. 
Use your pretty crockery today. 

You never know when it could be your last day. 

I inherited a cutlery set & a teapot which my gran had used for entertaining. They had not been used in years.

I know try to use them as often as possible; so that in a way I can be close to her. 

Every time I lay the table, I have an internal conversation with my gran. Just the 2 of us. 


  1. Lovely! You're fortunate to have something lovely to remember your grandmother by.

  2. Aw that's so awesome. My grandparents have done similar. I have bits and pieces all over the house from the past and love it. Definitely a special thing.

    Anna @ herding cats & burning soup


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