Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Travel Tuesday: Mauritius Part 2

Besides lying on the beach and eating and drinking all day - Mauritius does offer alot of activities to keep a person active - should they so wish.

We went out on the paddleboats that move while you cycle. The lovely thing about this is that you get to dip your hand in the water as you pedal by watching the coral and fishes through the crystal clear water. 
When you get back to shore, a lovely Vanilla rum is waiting to quench your thirst.

Happiness is: Rum on the beach with your friends
You can hire mountain bikes and take a ride into the markets about 30 minutes away. I don't suggest doing this the day after you have been badly sunburned - at midday.
I almost passed out on the bicycle and had to go back.
Logan - a police officer followed me on his bike and then proceeded to tell me that I am lovely and am I married. He asked for my address so that he could write to me. At least somebody tried to hit on me while on holiday!


I accessorised my sunburn, top and wine perfectly!
La Dolce Vita was the Italian restaurant at the hotel and was booked in advance every night. The chef had lived in Italy for 20 years to study cooking and I tell you  - he was a master!
He came out and spoke to us and I told him about my favourite restaurant back home run by 2 Italian ladies.
He offered to make us any dish if it was not on the menu.

We dined at La Dolce Vita twice (we booked the first time and were very kindly squeezed in a second time)
Tee had snapper fish the 1 night and a pasta with smoked marlin. The marlin tasted like bacon, it was delicious!
I ate a tuna carpaccio, a divine carbonara and this gorgeous dessert:
Pancake Tagliatelle with Pistachio ice cream and berry coulis

Coral Bar at Dusk

The Moon from our balcony
One night while on our way to dinner I was awed by this beautiful sunset. I had left my camera in the safe and I only had my phone with me.
The photo came out beautifully, but I can only imagine how stunning this picture would have been, taken with my Canon.
Beautiful moon
Next week: Botanical gardens

Read Part 1 here


  1. Ahhh That desert makes me want to eat the pc! hehe

    1. The screen wouldn't taste the same - but you have to try it!

  2. The Italian restaurant sounds wonderful - and your pic of the moon is lovely!

    1. Thanks Kate - I wish I had the Canon with me - it would have been a magnificent shot!

  3. Man, I want to go there! Anybody want to sponsor me a trip?

    1. hahaha - nice try Meg!

      Keep holding thumbs - perhaps Father Christmas will make your wishes come true if you were a good girl!


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