Monday 6 January 2014

Project 365: Week 5

Week 5

1: Sunrise because I couldn't sleep - not because I am a morning person!
2: Matroska dolls from Russia - It was fun playing with them
3: A cocktail lounge: The decor is supposed to be trees, I'm reminded of alien landscaping
4: Coffee: Almost the best part of my day
5: Cooked a new recipe - Breaded chicken and honey strips
6: Kitty cat touching my arm when we were sleeping, photo is dark, but I only had a moment
7: On my way to gym, the road was eerily quiet.



  1. Cool photos!
    I love that you're cooking more!
    And cute pink mug

  2. Is that gym photo at night or in the morning? If that's in the morning, then I'm seriously impressed! Been trying to wake up earlier in the morning but every morning I just mute my alarm haha!

    1. Luzanne - I do not even fool myself into thinking I would EVER get up in the morning for gym. Night time is much easier!

  3. Love that sunrise! (And I also love the one of Squeaky's paw on your arm, that's my favorite from this week!)

    1. It is a precious moment with him. :-)
      Sunrise: Not going to ever be seen in my photos again I am sure - I am so NOT a morning person! :-)


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