Tuesday 13 August 2013

Travel Tuesday - Japan Part 1

It’s been a couple of months since I came back from Japan and the fact that I am only writing about it now is a good indication of how hectic it has been.

I will post in parts so as not to bore you or clog up your internet waiting for photos to load.

It is custom in Japan to have Hot Baths - but beware - if invited to a "public bath" you will be required to go naked. 
Not much makes me uncomfortable; naked. women. Any way, any how - tops that list of awkwardness.

I politely declined and indulged in my private bath on the patio of my hotel room. Scorching hot water, rich in sulphur is guaranteed to melt away the muscles aches and pains!

Outside every shrine you will find hundreds of wooden plaques with various messages on them. Messages requesting good health, love and happiness are the most common.

Cherry Blossom season reached it’s peak 2 weeks before I arrived – damn you Global Warming- But we were still lucky enough to catch some in bloom.

Went to an area called Karakuwa - home of the Japanese warrior. I bought my brother an authentic ninja star, and looking back, I should have perhaps bought 1 for myself too.
We visited a giant Buddha, a gigantic beauty.

Harajuku is the dress style of the Japanese teens and I adore it! This young lady was handing out leaflets for a coffee shop and was very accommodating when I asked for a photo. Smiley and chatty in person, but serious for the photo - all part of the persona?

Japan surpassed all my expectations. The people are some of the most gentle and genuinely respectful people I have ever come across.
They are helpful, friendly and conscientious.
Japan is a nation steeped in culture and the country is beautiful.
The food is delicious, and hardly any sugar is consumed. When in restaurants you are given 1 sugar with your coffee and need to request extra.

Travelling with our supplier was perhaps the best way to see Japan because we were treated like absolute royalty. The Japanese take entertaining their guests to the next level.

To be Continued...



  1. What an interesting country - and that bath! Oh my!

  2. Wow, what an amazing trip. The Cherry Blossoms look so pretty. Very sweet of the girl to let you take a pic. and that bath - yes please!
    Thanks so much for sharing

  3. Chine is really interesting country. BUt people in China more interesting;)


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