Wednesday 14 November 2012

Younger Men....

I've been missing my Mojo a bit lately and in the last week I seem to be getting it back.

By nature, I am a flirty person and nothing makes me feel more alive than some witty flirting with a hot guy. If he is a hot, YOUNGER guy, then all the more reason to smile.

I am sure it isn't news to you that I like my men younger, as past flings relationships have attested to.
And no matter how hard I try, I cannot stop the flutter of my heart when I am flirting with a guy who is younger than I am.... 2, 3, 5, 9 years - all the better!
I have dated a man 16 years my senior and I have dated men my own age and then younger, so I have alot of experience with all age groups.
Now that I have had a piece of all types.... I prefer them young.
Perhaps if you had to psycho-analyse me you would arrive at a suitably psycho-babbly theory.
All I know is that I feel alive and sexy when I am speaking to them.
I smile more and I remember the person I used to be, the person I feel like I am losing over the past few years.
My heart beats warm blood through my veins (instead of the usual ice)

There is a special younger man who has caught my eye - call him Special K.... we have started chatting and getting to know each other. He knows about my 1D obsession and he hasn't run for the hills yet. There is definitely a spark between us, so who knows what could happen.
He is a nice guy and I really do like him. I just really don't have patience to wait and see what happens, I want it to happen now... but this is something I don't want to rush.
I want to get to know him and let him get to know me before we complicate it. I have said nothing to anybody about my feelings for him.
For some reason I feel the need for him to be my little secret. so for now... SSHHHH......



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