Friday, 8 January 2010


All I need... is a Dude.


Happy Friday everybody!

Have a fantastic weekend & do yourself a favour - watch Avatar in 3D.
Thursday, 7 January 2010

If a Man...

... Doesn't call when he says he will...

He's just not that into you!
Wednesday, 6 January 2010


I seriously need some action wild, passionate sex.
My hormones are whizzing through my veins & all I can think of is being pushed up against a wall, my clothes ripped off, heavy breathing, wild kissing and lots of steamy skin on skin action.

Advice - to heed or not to heed

All my friends have been attempting to give me advice on the MC situation and my head is starting to spin!

Dino tells me not to play hard to get or give him space because if it is achoice between Devils spawn and myself and I take a step back it will give MC a chance to get back together with her.
If I stay in the picture & remind him I am here he might choose me.
What he says makes perfect sense.
I do not want to crowd him. I am sure MC's emotions are going all over the place right now & I wouldn't want to add extra pressure and scare him off.
Remember I am the newest on the scene, it might push him back into her familiar arms (already i fear that he is going to get back together with her and try again for "old times sake")
MC does not like to hurt people and I fear he might listen to his conscience which I am sure is sending him mixed signals right now.

SO what do I do?

I thought of reminding him I am here, but gently. So for instance send him an sms telling him I will be sending him random smses with single letters in them.
These letters will eventually spell out a phrase. Once he guesses the phrase he wins a prize... I go visit him in Durban or something like that.

Phrase could be: I am crazy about you.

Then every sms I send will have a random letter.

Example: Hi MC how is your day going? (Letter z)
Next sms: Sleep tight (letter c and bonus i)
Eventually he will look forward to my smses because they might have  clue from me (all guys like a challenge) it'll keep his mind away from her and then he'll discover that I am crazy about him as well.

Your guys opinion?

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Gemini/Gemini Romantic compatibility

When two Geminis partner off, it really is like four people coming together (Gemini is represented by the Twins). This relationship can never be dull, which is a good thing -- these two can get bored easily! Since they have the same need for intellectual stimulation and nearly-constant chatter, they serve very well as one another's sounding boards off which to bounce new ideas and theories. Gemini is all about freedom and variety of expression, and two Geminis together will enjoy this to the fullest. Others enjoy two Geminis as a couple as well -- they're sure to be the life of every party with their sharp wit and well-honed entertainment routine. If they can avoid competition and cooperate instead, their love relationship can be extremely happy and mutually satisfying.

The Twins love to toss back and forth tidbits of playful banter, sarcasm and occasional ironic cynicism. This is fun, to be sure, but may prevent one or both of the partners from taking the relationship seriously. In an intimate love relationship, there is certainly a place for seriousness, which Gemini would do well to learn. If both partners can pay more attention to their feelings rather than being ruled solely by thoughts and intellect, they will greatly enhance their love experience.

Gemini is ruled by the Planet Mercury (Communication). This couple could talk each other around in circles all night long. Mercury (or Hermes in Greek mythology) was a traveller; Gemini shares that love for variety in places and conversation topics. Be warned, two-headed Twins -- the gift of gab could be misinterpreted as gossip. Learning to use the gift of communication in a positive way is key.

Gemini is an Air Sign, and thus responds to the world and to their romantic partner with a more rational than emotional focus. Their short attention spans cause them to burn out sometimes, but two Geminis together burn out at the same time! And, of course, that Gemini creativity will dream up a new scheme a moment later.

Gemini is a Mutable Sign. Their flexible, easy-going natures make the four of them a perfect couple. These two have mastered the art of compromise; two Mutable signs together can easily form a conflict-free union. Just about the only thing that may lead to a real argument is a discussion that has gone out of hand; luckily, Gemini quickly realizes the insignificance of proving a point -- and of fighting in general.

What's the best aspect of the Gemini-Gemini relationship? The enormous amount of intellectual energy and stimulation they provide one another. They are able to save one another from leading a mundane existence. Together they can entertain the world and accomplish more than either could alone.

Great ADvice for 2010

Don't date because you are desperate.

Don't marry because you are miserable.

Don't have kids because you think your genes are superior.

Don't philander because you think you are irresistible.

Don't associate with people you can't trust.

Don't cheat.

Don't lie.

Don't pretend.

Don't dictate because you are smarter.

Don't demand because you are stronger.

Don't sleep around because you think you are old enough and know better.

Don't hurt your kids because loving them is harder.

Don't sell yourself, your family, or your ideals.

Don't stagnate.

Don't regress.

Don't live in the past.

Time can't bring anything or anyone back.

Don't put your life on hold for possibly Mr/Mrs Right.

Don't throw your life away on absolutely Mr Wrong because your biological clock is ticking.

Learn a new skill.

Find a new friend.

Start a new career.

Sometimes, there is no race to be won.

Only a price to be paid for some of life's more hasty decisions.

To terminate your loneliness, reach out to the homeless.

To feed your nurturing instincts, care for the needy.

To fulfil your parenting fantasies, get a puppy.

Don't bring another life into this world for all the wrong reasons.

To make yourself happy, pursue your passions and be the best of what you can be.

Simplify your life.

Take away the clutter.

Get rid of destructive elements: abusive friends, nasty habits, and dangerous liaisons.

Don't abandon your responsibilities but don't overdose on duty.

Don't live life recklessly without thought and feeling for your family.

Be true to yourself.

Don't commit when you are not ready.

Don't keep others waiting needlessly.

Go on that trip. Don't postpone it.

Say those words.

Don't let the moment pass.

Do what you have to, even at society's scorn.

Write poetry.

Love Deeply.

Walk barefoot.

Dance with wild abandon.

Cry at the movies.

Take care of yourself.

Don't wait for someone to take care of you.

You light up your life.

You drive yourself to your destination.

No one completes you - except YOU.

It is true that life does not get easier with age. It only gets more challenging.

Don't be afraid.

Don't lose your capacity to love.

Pursue your passions.

Live your dreams.

Don't lose faith in your God.

Don't grow old.

Just grow YOU!

Make the most of 2010!

Especially for Race Car

Dear RaceCar

Congratulations on finding my SEX secret blog!

Your nosiness & detective work has paid off and as much as I am NOT happy you discovered my secret - I have to admire your detective skills!

You are the ONLY friend of mine that knows this exists - ok besides Gorgeous - who will NEVER find out the address or anything else for that matter! (Hint Hint)

Sneaky little bugger!

But I love you anyway......
Monday, 4 January 2010

Kissing MC

I am feeling quite vulnerable today.

I have been thinking about MC the whole day and most of last night. I sent him an sms:

Flirty is missing MC very much. "Goodnight MC" says Flirty
We didn't get much chance to kiss or do much of anything physical while he was here.
I got dressed while he was in the same room and he never tried to make a move on me. We slept in the same bed and he didn't try anything.

I was a bit disappointed and only on the last night did I find out why. I gave him advice on his heartbreak and he reached out and stroked my head.

On the first night we kissed very nicely. I thought it was the beginning of more to come. It wasn't. On New years eve as the clock hit midnight, we kissed Happy New Year (no tongue)
We kissed bye at the airport but again no tongue.

Kissing is very personal to me - and I love kissing! It gives me insight into the other persons emotions. It forms a bond between me and that guy.

I am kind of like Pretty Woman in thisregard. I could sleep with a guy easier than i could kiss him if I do not feel an emotional connection.

I want his heart to be healed. I want him to be over the heartache I know he is going through.

I want to be somewhere deserted (under the gazebo again) and hold each other and kiss and become closer.

I know we are right for each other. I hate waiting... I want to start a relationship with him.

My Obsessions

  1. MC

  2. Guess purses and handbags

  3. White tiered skirts
  4. Kissing

  5. My Blackberry

  6. Turquiose Accessories

  7. MC

  8. Supernatural

  9. Sparkly shoes

  10. Passionate Sex

  11. Sushi
  12. Cocktails with cherries

  13. MC

  14. My Blog

  15. Oh... and MC!

Sunday, 3 January 2010

I'm in trouble

I have fallen for MC. In a BIG way. Yes yes I can hear you all telling me that it is too soon, blah blah blah.

Unfortunately I have never been able to choose the when or why it happens, my heart decides for me and if you thought I had a mind of my own, my heart outdoes me!

Crushes – yes I have them all the time.

Lust – yes had those too.

Love – Not often.

Love # 1:

Name: The Greek

Long term prospects: Zero

Reason: Lives in Greece & different culture

1st day of highschool (1992) – Fell in love with his turquoise eyes and light brown hair and cute laugh. I go home that day and write in my diary that I have met the man I will lose my virginity to. (At this stage I had not even kissed a guy yet!)

1993 – He moves to Greece and I get to see him once a year when he comes back to SA. Not condusive to a close relationship.

1996 – I lost my virginity to him on 1 of his visits to SA.

Lesson learnt: When a man loves you he will do anything to see you and treats you with respect.

What would I change: Have him live in SA.

Love # 2:

Name: BD

Long term prospects: Zero

Reason: Emotionally unavailable & not trustworthy.

2002 – Was set up with GC and fell in love with BD instead.

I couldn’t stop staring at him even though he didn’t say a word to me.

After a few months of dating GC I ended it and eventually in the New year I was very brave and made the first move, I was not letting him go!

After cheating on me twice we eventually ended it.

Lesson learnt: BD taught me more about myself and relationships than anyone else. He taught me that I deserve to be treated with respect (because he didn’t always respect me) at all times and never settle for anything less.

He also helped me to tame my temper a bit.

When trust is broken, you never get it back.

What would I change: More openness and honesty

More communication

Wish he wasn’t so selfish

Love # 3:

Name: Alex

Long term prospects: Excellent

I 1st met Alex in 2004 and when he walked out the door I told my colleague I was going to marry him 1 day.

He was totally unlike the guys I usually found attractive – blonde with blue eyes and a very sexy british accent to boot.

I was too afraid to ever make a move so we remained friends and met for coffee once a month until 4 years later in 2008 when he made the move over dinner 1 night.

I was madly in love with him and he seemed perfect.

He was a true gentleman, listened to my stories and even offered great advice.

Was totally understanding and supportive and I was convinced we were going to get married.

January 2009 he pulled the carpet from under my feet and told me he could not marry me even though he loved me more than anyone he had ever dated and he would have been very happy with me forever, just didn’t want to marry me.

Took me 10 months to get over the heartbreak, it almost destroyed me.

Lesson learnt: Everything I thought I wanted in another person exists – I just have to be patient until I find it

A boyfriend can be your best friend too

What would I change: His friends – I really didn’t like them!

Potential Love # 4:

Name: MC

Long term prospects: Remains to be seen – but I think there is HUGE potential

Reason: Once he is over his breakup issues…. He seems to be everything that I want in a man.

I cannot stop thinking about him. We had a rocky few days because he has just recently broken up with his girlfriend and has lost a lot of confidence.

I have a good feeling about him, the same way I had felt about Alex. By now I know exactly what I want and what traits I want in another person.

MC has all these traits.

He was extremely quiet at stages – and I didn’t know how to handle that.

Once he explained the reason behind it, I can fully understand the turmoil he is experiencing – the end of a 2 year relationship is so difficult.

For now I will try help him as much as I can from Jhb – I would like to get to know him better and it is almost a good thing to meet him like this while he is having a hard time, because I get a good indication how he handles bad experiences as well as the good.

I have the utmost respect for MC. He really is one of the few decent men out there and I love his intelligence and sense of humour.

He is kind and considerate and I love that as successful and good looking as he is, he is not arrogant.

I have always wanted a daughter with green eyes and with MC also having green eyes it is almost guaranteed!

And he likes the name Layla (which is going to be my daughters name!)

He is a fellow Gemini, so we already understand each other really well.

He also gives the best hugs and he thinks I have a sexy bum (bonus points considering I am the fattest I have ever been) and he loves giving me foot rubs.

I love that he strokes my leg while we are sitting down and the gentle kisses he gives me on my temple and in my neck. (I do wish I got more of those but I look forward to and hope that I get a chance to get more of those)

I love the fact that he came back to Jhb 2 weeks later to visit me because 1 month was just too long to wait.

He is genuinely nice to people – no just his friends – but waitresses as well (for me this is always a good indication of a persons character)

He is an animal lover and feels as strongly about them as I do.

And he loves cats, has 2 of his own and he enjoys Girly movies – could he be any more perfect??

Oh and how about the fact that I absolutely love his friends? I think they are the most awesome people!

Now tell me this: Why wouldn’t I want to marry him?