Friday, 1 October 2010

Eehhh... What's up Doc?

There has been so much happening lately that I feel like a chicken without it's head most of the time.

I come home at night and I am so exhausted I just want to fall into bed (and I have done just that - clothes & all - at least twice) and sleep!

But I am nicely settled today and I am taking some Me Time

I warn you though - this is going to be a super long post. Fill up on coffee, I can't have you falling asleep at your computer running out of time to read everything.

Here is a round up of what's been happening in my life. The Good. The Bad. The Ugly.

I have finally gone to see a chiropractor about my back. She has left bruises the size of fists all over my hips and lower back - but as much as I want to hit her - I know it is for my benefit.
I have a few more sessions and I then should be on the mend.
Apparently with the blood flow being blocked in my legs - it has caused a huge build up of toxins - which explains the Kidney Stone and Ear infection.

How did I hurt my back you ask?
About 2 years ago I was iceskating and I fell on my bum and passed out on the ice.
I awoke on the side on a bench with the sound of children crying.
Massive pain in my lower back resulted in a visit to the chiropractor - damaged the bottom 3 vertabrae. They get inflammed and need to to be stretched out every now and then - something I haven't done.

As of today the new PA starts work.
I will spend about a month handing over to her and sitting with her going through things. I am so excited about not being the "Personal Asswiper" anymore.
When you are a PA, the entire company thinks you are at their disposal. My theme song was "You want a piece of me" by Britney Spears

I hope that new girl settles in nicely and gets on well with us. My favourite candidate was a lady who I think was alot like me, I think we had similar personalities and she was a cat person too.
She was the leader of all the interviews until this girl came along and my boss just clicked with her - so I hope for all our sakes that it works out, otherwise I am left firing her and getting a new PA!

I am very disappointed by the way my whole promotion has been handled.
The announcement was only made last week - and even then it said nothing about me being a Marketing Manager. It merely said I will be taking over the Marketing functions.

My colleague made me a sign saying "Marketing Functioner" as a joke! :-)

My Boss said not to worry - I must still ask for a manager's salary. Apparently the company politics are running rife!

I think the MD is still feeling loyalty to the past Marketing manager - as she will still work for us, but in an entirely different capacity.

I dont think they understand that I want the Title. I want the respect that comes with it. I have earned it by working really hard.

I will also get to travel to Dundee, Scotland and Cologne, Germany next year - very exciting!

The MD has been calling me and telling me how much I will have on my plate, how I wont be seeing much of QT ect etc, I am feeling a bit intimidated, but then I spoek it out with my boss and we determined that I have been doing much more work than the Marketing manager ever did.
I felt a bit better - but we will see how it goes.

I begin my design course on 25 October and I start learning all the new products.

I am doing the fun stuff though - like shopping for corporate gifts.

I also have to decide what prizes to give away at our "Night at the Oscars" year end function.

I also have enough budget to buy everybody a small gift - I am struggling to come up with the perfect gift - I am torn between a hamper of sweets and biscuits for Christmas time or because it is a Christmas gift - make a more decadent hamper of luxuries - on my budget perhaps I should say Luxury ha ha

I want to negotiate my salary. I need to get out of debt.

Especially after having to repair the heater valve on my car which broke, blowing a constant blast of hot air. The springtime temperatures have been around 26C and I have been roasting in my car because no matter what - you can't stop the hot air from blowing!
The repairs cost a pretty penny and gobbled up even more than the money I made as a result of all the things I sold off.

Christmas time:
Speaking of gifts - I got an email from Claudz about a Santa Shoebox for kids who don't get presents over Christmas time.
This is a wonderful initiative to make Christmas special for the kids and I aim to make up at least 1 box.

QT and I have been a bit rocky lately.

We had a huge fight 2 weeks ago - the biggest one we have ever had. Neither one of us could move past it and it took us about a week to get back to normal. QT and I have an agreement to never go to bed, or go home until we have made up - so this tell syou how bad it was.

I think it has a lot to do with me and my self confidence as well as my stress levels being so high with the job uncertainty and deadlines for our brochures being printed for the congress at the end of the month.

My sex drive has diminished and is almost non existent. This is so unlike me - I am , was, a Nymphomaniac!
I feel fat and really unattractive and I am so concious about my fat wobbling and jiggling that it is all I think about.
If we do have sex, I refuse to be on top because then he gets a great view of my spare time on my tummy and my double chin and even my boobs  -which used to be pretty & perky - are now just big lumps of jelly.

With my confidence being so low I am also hesitant to go out with his friends. As it is they are all so much younger than me. I feel like they will look at me and wonder why QT picked me.

I even cut off contact with some of my school friends - I used to be curvy and attractive, now I am just fat. I am 13kgs heavier than I was 10 years ago. And I just can't sem to find the motivation to lose the weight.
I eat bread most nights for dinner, because it is by far the cheapest meal.
Eating salad and fruit is an expensive exercise (excuse the pun!)

QT is just such an amazing guy and I am crazy about him.
I loev cuddling with him on the couch, I love being with him.
I love him to death.
I can't imagine my life without him, yet I wonder why I sometimes find myself pushing him away...
Thursday, 30 September 2010

A Dare is a Dare!

Meet SwissMiss.....


Hilariously Funny

Outrageously Crazy

Sometimes confusing

I love her!

Missy does not have a Blog of her own, but she is a regular reader (whom I think actually lives about 20 minutes drive from me)

This photo was as a result of a dare - the final installment of the This is Me Photo Challenge was "Sexy Underwear"
Nobody dressed up in their underwear for the photo, but SwissMiss did - even though she didn't take part in the challenge!

I have kept this photo for when I needed some cheering up - and today is the day!

SwissMiss - you make me laugh with all your comments, and I love that I got a chance to meet you.

Day 2 - Something you love about yourself

I love that I love animals - I feel that not enough people value animals the way they should be valued.

I love that I have long eyelashes.

Day 1 - Something you hate about yourself

Quite a few things actually....

Physically - I hate my double chin and the rest of the flab I have allowed to wobble pile up
                  I hate that I don't get a tan, instead I cultivate a freckle farm
                  I hate that I am always sick - I can't get my energy levels up to what they were

Mentally - I hate that I am so impatient
                I hate that I am not able to psyche myself up to exercise
                I hate that I am so intolerant of things - I get very moody
                I hate that I worry about money all the time

30 Days of Truth

I love lists - and I love challenges.

Claudz has just started this "Challenge" and I am always up for lists and things to talk about.

Here is the list:

Day 01 → Something you hate about yourself

Day 02 → Something you love about yourself

Day 03 → Something you have to forgive yourself for.

Day 04 → Something you have to forgive someone for.

Day 05 → Something you hope to do in your life.

Day 06 → Something you hope you never have to do.

Day 07 → Someone who has made your life worth living for.

Day 08 → Someone who made your life hell, or treated you like shit.

Day 09 → Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted.

Day 10 → Someone you need to let go, or wish you didn’t know.

Day 11 → Something people seem to compliment you the most on.

Day 12 → Something you never get compliments on.

Day 13 → A band or artist that has gotten you through some tough ass days. (write a letter.)

Day 14 → A hero that has let you down. (letter)

Day 15 → Something or someone you couldn’t live without, because you’ve tried living without it.

Day 16 → Someone or something you definitely could live without.

Day 17 → A book you’ve read that changed your views on something.

Day 18 → Your views on gay marriage.

Day 19 → What do you think of religion? Or what do you think of politics?

Day 20 → Your views on drugs and alcohol.

Day 21 → (scenario) Your best friend is in a car accident and you two got into a fight an hour before. What do you do?

Day 22 → Something you wish you hadn’t done in your life.

Day 23 → Something you wish you had done in your life.

Day 24 → Make a playlist to someone, and explain why you chose all the songs. (Just post the titles and artists and letter)

Day 25 → The reason you believe you’re still alive today.

Day 26 → Have you ever thought about giving up on life? If so, when and why?

Day 27 → What’s the best thing going for you right now?

Day 28 → What if you were pregnant or got someone pregnant, what would you do?

Day 29 → Something you hope to change about yourself. And why.

Day 30 → A letter to yourself, tell yourself EVERYTHING you love about yourself
Wednesday, 29 September 2010

To my Celebrity Husband...

Dear Zac

You may be slightly younger than I am, but that is not a problem for me, I love you anyway.

I just can't fault anything about you (ok maybe you pull funny faces when you sing) but you just have it all - looks, the body, you can sing and dance - your smile and those eyes - oh man they are my downfall!

I just have one question: When are we getting married?

Love Flirty30

PS: These were my other suitors - but I have turned them all away in anticipation of our impending nuptuals.

Ryan Reynolds
Jared Padalecki

Ashton Kutcher

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Jared Padalecki is married - NNOOOOO!

Jared Padalecki tied the knot with his former Supernatural co-star Genevieve Cortese on a gorgeous Winter's day -  complete with snow.

How gorgeous is her dress? I love the feather detail at the bottom. 

The wedding was covered in Sun Valley Magazine , go read all about it.

Makes me want to re-consider my idea of getting married in the Spring time - I have a gorgeous winter wedding theme in my memory banks - but I would need real snow to consider it! ;-)
Monday, 27 September 2010

Uniquely Me - OneCraftyFox

I have discovered another new blog - Diana is a lady who is extremely talented at sewing and craftwork and I find her blog to be totally beautiful. 
The mood boards are inspiring and too lovely.

Visit One Crafty Fox and see what I mean! :-)

1: Why did you start blogging: 
        I decided to start blogging for a few reasons actually!  Firstly, I have never been very artistic.  I am quite good at sewing and also enjoy making other small crafts which I sell on in my shops, SizeMedium (link: ) and OneCraftyFox (link: ) ... BUT I have never been very good at artwork such as drawing or painting... try as I might!  I am however very good at curating and decided a blog would be a wonderful way to showcase some of my mixed media experimentation such as my mood boards and daily inspirations.  I also wanted to better develop my computer skills and through blogging am now self taught in html script.   And since I was already an avid blog reader, I wanted to become more involved with the blogging community and perhaps meet some new and interesting friends.  

2: What inspires you?
        I am inspired by many different things.  I really enjoy reading other blogs because they are filled with so much beauty and eye candy!  I am also very inspired by fashion, photography, travel, and even the weather. 

3: What is your kitty cat's name?
       My kitty cat's name is just that... Kitty!  Although she also responds to "Hello Lovely"! 

4: What is the item you are most proud of making?
        I'd have to say I am most proud of this item:  I created this item from start to finish... the idea, the pattern and the creation.  I wanted to make something funky, fun and modern that was also unique, and I think I managed to accomplish all of these things.  Plus, I have received so many compliments on it, which makes me feel really great about my project!

5: What is your favourite colour?
       My favorite color changes depending on the seasons.  In the spring and summer I love coral and aqua.  In the fall and winter I prefer shades of gray. 

6: What book are you currently reading:
       I am a total bookworm!!  I just finished 'The Time Travellers Wife', but I have to admit that it was absolutely not one of my favorites.  I don't know, maybe it was all the hype around it, but I don't seem to have liked it as much as everybody else. 

7: In your opinion what makes a woman strong?
       I think class, poise, and a bit of charisma go a long way!!  A woman who can be beautiful by just being herself is, in my opinion, a strong woman.   

8: What colour nailpolish in the summer? (Coral in the Spring)
       I mix it up with coral and pink throughout the summer depending on what I am wearing. 

9: What is your favourite flavour cupcake?
       A dear friend of mine started a wonderful baked goods (home-based business) and she makes the most delicious vanilla cupcakes stuffed with cranberries and topped with lemon butter icing.  The best part is that they are miniature in size which means that they are only half the calories, lol!! 

10: Texting or phonecalls?
         Always, always, always phone calls.  Don't get me wrong, I went through a major texting phase but really started to miss talking to my friends.  Plus, there are so many times where it is just easier to call than try to type out a long-winded message.  I rarely text anymore.