Saturday, 28 May 2011

Stuff, stuff, stuff!!

I have always been a hoarder (no not a whore) and I love collecting pretty things & keeping them.

Well I used to anyway - these days I move so often that it really just becomes too much effort. In my frustration of trying to cram everything into my tiny apartment, I gave a leather jacket away to the lady who cleaned my bathroom.
It was a brown suede jacket I bought myself for my 21st birthday and it was in perfect condition - so much for sentimentality hey?

I find as I get older - I am 29 32 tomorrow and I am working harder than ever and really wondering if I can go on like this for much longer.

I miss my friends and family - while I am at work, their lives are going on along without me and I dont even have the time to pluck my eyebrows, let alone call my friends.

My Blackberry is in for repairs (the T button stopped working and you have no idea how many words I use that require the T button!)
What I loved about Blackberry is that it makes social interaction so much easier for me.
I can Facebook them to see how they are doing, they chat on our BB Group so even if I dont answer, I can read their conversations on the toilet when I get home!

My brothers wedding plans are so much harder now that I dont have email at my fingertips.

I haven't read any of your blogs and I am having withdrawals! My aim this morning is to post this and have a BIG catch up.

Anyway - I am digressing....

I found these gorgeous postcards which I bought on my trip to New York in 1998. They are so gorgeous & yet they sit in my drawer, never being used.

So, I think they deserve better than this - send me your postal address & I would love to drop you a line or 2 & pop it in the mail - I have always loved handwritten notes & receiving them - & this is something I would love to do.

At least I know my cards would go to a good home! ;-)
Friday, 27 May 2011

Glen Dell - Aerobatics champion & really nice guy

I was lucky enough to be taken for some aerobatic flips & turns by the Former Advanced World Aerobatics champion - Glen Dell.

Check out the attached video to get an idea of what it is like & see an interview with him - he is such a humble, sweet man for someone who is so talented at what he does.

watch how shy he is! That smile is just so adorable!

Thursday, 26 May 2011

My F!%k Me Boots

After a lot of shop trawling for winter boots, I found the perfect pair.
Black mock suede with satin bows that tie at the back - I love these boots!

I wore them to work 1 morning & the conservative lady gave me a whistle and said I am wearing my "F@#K Me Boots"
This label has since stuck - but it has yet to come true!

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Take Time....

In Washington DC, at a Metro Station, on a cold January morning in 2007, this man with a violin played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes.  During that time, approximately 2,000 people went through the station, most of them on their way to work.  After about 3 minutes, a middle-aged man noticed that there was a musician playing.  He slowed his pace and stopped for a few seconds, and then he hurried on to meet his schedule. 
About 4 minutes later: 
The violinist received his first dollar.  A woman threw money in the hat and, without stopping, continued to walk. 
At 6 minutes: 
A young man leaned against the wall to listen to him, then looked at his watch and started to walk again. 
At 10 minutes:
A 3-year old boy stopped, but his mother tugged him along hurriedly.  The kid stopped to look at the violinist again, but the mother pushed hard and the child continued to walk, turning his head the whole time.  This action was repeated by several other children, but every parent - without exception - forced their children to move on quickly.
At 45 minutes:
The musician played continuously.  Only 6 people stopped and listened for a short while.  About 20 gave money but continued to walk at their normal pace.  The man collected a total of $32.
After 1 hour:
He finished playing and silence took over.  No one noticed and no one applauded.  There was no recognition at all.
  No one knew this, but the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the greatest musicians in the world.  He played one of the most intricate pieces ever written, with a Stradivarius violin worth $3.5 million dollars.  Two days before, Joshua Bell sold-out a theater in Boston where the seats averaged $100 each to sit and listen to him play the same music.
This is a true story.  Joshua Bell, playing incognito in the DC Metro Station, was organized by the Washington Post as part of a social experiment about perception, taste and people's priorities. 
This experiment raised several questions: 

*In a common-place environment, at an inappropriate hour, do we perceive beauty? 
      *If so, do we stop to appreciate it? 
      *Do we recognize talent in an unexpected context?

One possible conclusion reached from this experiment could be this: 

If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world, playing some of the finest music ever written, with one of the most beautiful instruments ever made . . . 
 How many other things are we missing as we rush through life? Photobucket
Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Work stuff

We have been working hard on opening a training facility at work. This facility will be a great asset to our company as well as for any professors/teachers etc to carry our further training for dentists etc.
The facility can accommodate 40 people in a lecture room - so this will also benefit non dental related companies if they so wish.

2 days before the grand opening, we had a burst water pipe that ruined the wooden flooring, as well as leaked down onto my desk, ruining everything on it.

Alot of time was wasted cleaning up and scrambling to decipher the notes I had made for myself on Tuesday night.

The opening could not be rescheduled to the attendance of some high profile guests - Deans of the various universities etc.

With the help of alot of employees and a very special PA lady - we managed to pull of a great opening.


Now if I can only find where I lost my mind.....

Monday, 23 May 2011

Flat Out = Pooped!

Is is impossible to explain how close I am to losing it.

Constant late nights & too much work are really cramping my social life & stressing me out.

I feel as if I have lost touch with everyboy in my life as well as all you lovely bloggers out there.

I am looking forward to some time alone to catch up - I wonder when that will be??

In the meantime, I wont leave you high and dry - below is a photo of my future sister in law's dress & the fabulous venue!.

I generally work until about 10pm and then I come home and work on wedding stuff, we are finalising teh flowers and table arrangements.

Exciting stuff!

Gorgeous site for photos

Imagine how pretty it'll be in Summer if this is in winter?

Look closely - can you see the beautiful lace?