Wednesday, 19 March 2014

10 Things in 5 {busy} Days

These past 5 days I have:

  1. Played with really cute kittens
  2. Nursed my kitty cat after his operation
  3. Had an awesome games night that ended in a draw
  4. Squirted cat medicine drops into my hair
  5. Been working for 10 days in a row
  6. Lost something
  7. Embarrasingly had to ask someone to retrieve it
  8. Broken my bed
  9. Cleaned up cat vomit
  10. Realised I need more Men on my standby list.

Monday, 17 March 2014

21 Things About Me: Week 2

Challenge 2: What are your top 3 favourite colours

This one is an easy one:

  1. Pink (Strangely enough I used to hate this colour when I was little)
  2. Silver (Must have something to do with sparkles)
  3. White (Such a calm colour for me. Very refreshing)

Followed closely in 4th place by Turquoise.