Thursday, 19 September 2013

Pet Peeves

If you're here for an uplifting read, I suggest you move along!
I have been getting so aggro lately (Let's not explore the reasons behind this!) that I need to release some of this pent up energy!

What is it with people who pick up their cellphone in the middle of a conversation and start checking their social media feed?
Did Ryan Reynolds announce his intention to marry the first girl who retweets him in the middle of dinner?
Or worse, they read their phone then proceed to laugh out loud. Are your friends that inanely uninteresting?
Stop being so darn rude! Remember your manners.

Since when did changing the toilet roll ever kill anybody? Or flushing the toilet for that matter. The whole toilet seat debate doesn't phase me, as long as I don't have to sit on a wet seat, I am happy. 

Don't flash your lights at me when I am driving in the fast lane over the speed limit to pass the car going at negative 10km an hour. Give me 5 seconds to move over. 

As you are approaching a traffic light you slow down to a crawl only to speed up as it turns amber so that the car behind you is stuck. Moron.

When you are invited to somebody's house and given a time to arrive, don't arrive an hour early. Respect your host/ess enough to allow them to get ready for the evening and make it an unforgettable event.

Phone calls:
When calling somebody and they don't answer; leave a voice message. DON'T phone over and over and over again. If I didn't answer the first time, I won't answer the next 5 times. 
Oh and don't have an hour long conversation in front of friends - when you are out -  about inconsequential things ("So... how is your day going?") - leave that for driving or when you are alone.

If you can see that I am heavily concentrating on a task at hand (or a complicated spreadsheet) don't barge into my office and precede to bitch about something stupid. I don't care that they didn't say hello to you or that you have another imaginary sickness.
Have the foresight to book a meeting time with me. I'd also give you my undivided attention if you bothered to show me that courtesy.

Limp handshakes:
Limp. Handshakes. Enough said.

Phew! I feel better now. Who needs the gym?!

Have a Sunshiney Day!

Image Source

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Travel Tuesday - Knysna

South Africa is home to many beautiful places.

In 2006 my parents and I made a roadtrip to Knysna for my then boss' wedding.

We stopped at lots of little places and I took photos of the most gorgeous old churches. The funny thing with me: I don't go to church - I don't like church, yet I have a love of old churches!

The Old Dutch Style

The drive through this valley is breathtaking. We had to stop for toilet breaks and I caught my Dad on camera, so he made my Mom do the same to me - I will spare you those photos!
Beautiful Valley

Built: September 12, 1926

Died: 25 December 1885

Helen Page: Died 1882 - Only 21

Gorgeous old church

Bloukrans River Bridge - Highest commercial bungee jump in the world - 216m
And before you ask me - no I did not do this jump - I am not a Bungee jump fan!
Tsitsikama Forest
I took this photo lying on the floor - the tree was so big!

800 year old tree

Monday, 16 September 2013

Manicure Monday

Happy Monday!! (Can you feel that I am faking it? Like I always say: If you don't feel it, fake it!)

This Spring weather is a refreshing change.

I am sure you may have noticed, but the blog has changed slightly - I will eventually change the domain name as well but it gets complicated with Bloglovin etc.

Keeping with my experimenting with change - I was inspired to try something new with my nails. Not salon quality - but I am getting bored of the same thing all the time and I feel naked without nail polish on.

Hope the week flies by for you all!
