Friday, 18 October 2013

Joining the "ings"

I love questionnaires - I stole this from Claudz

Making : Myself fat by not going to gym when I know I should

Cooking : Toast for dinner - does that count?

Drinking : Coffee and Iced Tea

Reading: Info on Ireland and the UK to plan a holiday in 2014

Wanting: To be more relaxed

Looking: for ways to save as much money as I can.

Playing: With my cat

Wasting: Time. I should get to the shops for groceries before they close, but can't get the energy to get up and go.

Sewing: Nothing!

Wishing: I was getting more action.

Enjoying: Greek yoghurt with black cherries

Waiting: for my holiday to Mauritius (where I will be when you are reading this)

Liking: My sinful little secret

Wondering: If next year is going to be easier

Hoping: I meet someone soon

Marvelling: At how easily moral lines can be crossed

Needing: Lunch - I am hungry

Loving: This beautiful weather

Smelling: The cherries in my yoghurt

Wearing: My PJs - white top and grey bottoms with black kitty cat faces

Following: My Heart - it knows what is good for my soul

Noticing: That I hunch my shoulders when I am stressed and that is what is causing my pain

Knowing: I am becoming less tolerant as I get older

Thinking: About my delicious, sinful secret - which will never come out in case you are wondering

Feeling: Lazy

Bookmarking: Irish holidays and London hotels

Opening: Blogger windows to catch up on some posts

Giggling: At a Whatsapp conversation. Ice Cream and Baking - totally not in the correct context at all.


  1. haha you are so funny!
    Cannot wait to meet you!
    Hope you are enjoying Mauritius!

    1. Will be great to meet in real life! :-)
      Mauritius was really great! Will blog about it soon.

  2. You will LOVE Ireland! (No matter which part you go to.) I hope you had a wonderful vacation in Mauritius!

    1. Cannot wait for Ireland!
      Mauritius was just totally gorgeous. (no men to speak of, but I drowned my disappointment in cocktails)


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