Saturday, 14 August 2010

Dear Friday the 13th... Bite Me!

A fear of Friday the 13th is called- Paraskavedekatriaphobia (say what?)

I have always kinda liked Friday the 13th because I usually have good days. I got my brand new Ka on Friday the 13th and had to drive through the middle of dodgy Jhb and nothing bad happened.

Until yesterday.

I went to the doc on Tuesday for my ear infection and the antibiotics, eardrops and painkillers werent helping - in fact it was getting worse, so much so that Wed and Thursday night I was up the whole night crying because the pain was so severe.
Off to doc yesterday who says I have a huge absess blocking the ear canal and it could have infiltrated the eardrum.
Books me an emergency operation but because the surgeon is full I need to sit and wait at the hospital.
I am in agony in the waiting room and eventually I cant take it and burst into tears again.
Because I had been holding the impulse in I think it built up pressure because as I started crying - the absess burst.
Next thing I know, bright green gunk (sorry for the imagery) is coming out my ear.
The doc took me in and under a microscope sucked it all out - that was not a pleasant experience at all.
He then injected cortisone into both my nostrils - under the skin - ow! 
He checked my ear pressures - 90 and 130 - the norm is 10.
I have a nasal spray that I have to use to get rid of my post nasal drip - this is what blocked the tube in my ear stopping it from draining.
As I came out of the surgery I received an sms from BD (an ex of mine) his dad had died from a heart attack.

I got home and my mom calls to tell me that my brother had been in a car accident.
He drove into the back of a stationary vehicle in the middle of the road who had no lights on.
luckily my brother is uninjured due to him driving the company van - which I think helped to protect him.

What a day!

I go back for a check up on Tuesday to see that everything inside my ear is doing ok. I am on another course of antibiotics, the pain is not as intense as before but I am still totally deaf in my ear.
We are flying to Ballito on Wednesday night and I really hope I will be ok to fly - it is my 1st holiday since April - and desperately needed!

Just a thought? Why green stuff, why couldnt the body discharge something prettier... like pink or purple?

Me # 12: A Party dress you love

This is one of the dresses I love - It is a halterneck that greatly flatters the cleavage area and it has a lovely fold of material from the ribs all the way down the front that covers the little tummy bump - which I love!
And of course it has sparkles!

I have a weakness for party dresses and evening dresses - I will do a post soon on all my pretty dresses!
Thursday, 12 August 2010

Me # 11: A waterfall

More photos from my trip to Hoedspruit last year.
I have a thing for waterfalls and have to stop at every one I see!

I'm Tagged

Congratulations to my fellow Blogger - Swisstwist - the recent recipient of a Beautiful Blogger Award!

I am 1 of the people she has tagged to give 7 Random facts about myself - so here goes:

  1. I have way too many cat ornaments
  2. I obsess about my weight way too much
  3. I love candyfloss
  4. I really need to dye my hair - the greys are very noticable
  5. I wish I was more fashionable - I just dont know how!
  6. I wish I could paint or sing
  7. I hate my freckles

Me # 10: An item you still have from a dress up party

This is a Cinderella crown from a Year end function we had at work.
The theme was to dress up as the first letter of your name.
I hired a Cinderella outfit and wore this crown and I was the only Cinderella there.
My 2nd option would have been Cleopatra - but luckily I didn't choose that one because there were 3 there that night.
Catwoman was option 3, but I just don't have the body for a tight catsuit!
Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Ear Infection... WHAT?? Ear Infection!

Somehow I managed to catch myself an ear infection.
Pain is excrutiating, so off I go to the doc and he prescribes a wheelbarrow list of medication.
So now I am hyper... and still Deaf.
Its odd to hear yourself chew... and swallow... and breathe... hey at least I know I am still alive.
And this gives me a chance to wear the earmuffs I was given as a cute novelty gift - they will come in useful now that the cold wind has made 1 more appearance.

Interviewed a lady for the PA position today - I am sure she thought I was high.

Me # 9: A Christmas scene

Christmas 2008

We held our Bookclub Christmas get together at the Indaba Hotel and they had a great Christmas scene set up, complete with huge tree, this Santa Claus and a lovely chair to sit in

Me # 8: Your mode of transport

This is my little baby (Ford Ka - dont try it, I have heard all the jokes!)
I love how zippy she is and how fast her little 1.3i engine goes.
No boot space to speak of, but surprising leg room in front and back.
Monday, 9 August 2010

Uniquely Me

I am loving the Blogger community and getting to know everybody around the world.

Krysten over at After 'I Do' has a great idea where she features places people live, called: "Where I live Wednesdays"

I would like to steal her idea and adapt it to do a feature called "Uniquely Me" once a week.

There is a lot I do not know about people whose Blogs I am following and there are just so many Bloggers out there.

I will ask my friends as well as random bloggers - perhaps these will inspire you and give you more access to the awesome Blogging World out there.

So to kick the feature off - I would like to introduce you to Krysten.
Her blog is called
Krysten is a 26 year old Blogger who started her blog as a way to keep track of her wedding plans - she loved it so much she continued.

Here is more about the lady behind After 'I do':

  • Where were you born?
I was born in Winfield, IL, which is a little over half an hour outside of Chicago. I lived in a town called Bartlett, IL till I was about 10.
  • How did you and Dustin meet?
We worked together, actually. Long story short, when I moved to River Falls for my 3rd year of college (I college hopped a bit) I started working at Perkins - I was a hostess and Dustin was the shift leader. We were friends for about a year before we started dating DESPITE me chasing him for that year ;-)
  • What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?
Sadly, that I have to pee. This is most likely TMI but I have the world's smallest bladder so generally I'm a light sleeper because I'm always getting up for the bathroom.
  • What is your favourite dessert?
Any kind of cheesecake. It's pretty much my very favorite thing ever. If you want to be my friend just give me cheesecake.
  • If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world - where would you go?
Italy. It's always been a dream of mine to go to Italy. The food, the history, the culture... it's just so enticing to me. Not to mention it's so romantic!
  • If you could have a superpower - what would it be?
I'd like to read people's minds BUT I'd like to be able to shut that off when need be. I don't want to be all Sookie Stackhouse and having to deal with people talking in my head all day.
  • What is your favourite flower?
Morning glories. When I was a kid they grew in random areas in my neighborhood and I've always thought they were such happy flowers.
  • What makes you smile?
My puppy, my family, my friends, good books, bonfires, weekends at my parents.... I could go on and on.
  • What is your favourite season of the year?
Definitely Autumn. I love the crisp weather, the colors, the smells... not to mention my birthday and wedding anniversary are in Autumn.
  • What is your favourite colour?
I'm a huge girly girl, my favorite color is pink =-)
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Sunday, 8 August 2010

This is Me - continues.....
I hope you are all having fun with this challenge, it has been a blast getting a peak into your lives!

Here are the second batch of challenges - remember it is never too late to join.

#8: Your mode of transport

#9: A Christmas scene

#10: An item you still have from a dress up party

#11: A waterfall

#12: A party dress you love

#13: Something that sparkles

#14: Your toes

Me #7: Your cellphone

My Blackberry
My Baby
My constant companion