What a lot of fun!
As part of all my soul-searching, I decided I need to start settling down and looking for a man more my own age.
Enter AB (short for Ab Boy - 35)
I met him 6 years ago through Internet dating.
2 dates later, I thought he was too shy, quiet & decent for my liking. We ended it.
A few weeks ago I was actually thinking about him, when he contacted me on Facebook. We met for dinner, chatted about why we didn't think it would work out and I discovered that he is just shy, not actually quiet when you get to know him.
At the same time, Cutie pops up ( 23) and tells me that even though it's been a year, he has realised that he is in love with me and cannot stop thinking about me and wants to throw everything away on the off-chance that he can be with me.
Now I have a dilemma - do I try to make it work with AB or do I get together with Cutie? The hormones go mad for Cutie, AB is a more mature response - not as much chemistry, but perhaps Cutie's age makes my hormones sit up and take notice more?
So back to the radio - I am sitting there contemplating this very important decision when Ian F asks us to submit our dilemma and we then ask Jhb their opinion. Yay - I can get someone else to make my decision for me!
I go on air, present my problem and a few minutes later, Jhb has told me to go for Cutie - the younger guy.
Awesome, decision made.
Cutie and I hook up and let me tell you, he really can kiss a Habit off a nun! He makes my hormones go insane.
These young boys really shouldn't be under-estimated - they can teach us Cougars a thing or 2 about seduction!
In the meantime, AB has proven that he knows how to push the buttons that really Piss me off....
Good choice Jhb!