Saturday, 10 December 2011

All I Want for Christmas

Love. Laughter. Happiness. Togetherness
Last year for me Christmas was about spoiling the ones I love.
After 2011 being a tough year for all of us, I will be buying my friends & family gifts that they need.
It seems senseless to waste money on frivolous, unneeded items when there are necessities that will still need to be bought.
When asked what I would like for Christmas I was at a loss at first, then I looked around and realised I need alot of things: PJs, new bath towels, another chair in my lounge. I have made it my goal to buy myself a chair for the lounge as well as a chandelier (my one extravagance) I have asked for vouchers towards the other necessities and I think my friends feel the same as I do - Needs not Wastage
I am hoping that once I start wrapping the gifts that I will get more into the Christmas spirit.
For some reason this year I am not feeling it like I usually do.
I am like a little kid at Christmas time and I love wrapping presents, and putting up decorations etc. I am ashamed to say that we are already on the 10th and I have not even put up a Christmas Tree (I am always that person that gives speeches to the people who don't have the Christmas spirit)
I am off to brave the busy shopping centres now and let's hope that I get everything I want so that I don't have to do it next weekend again!
Tonight I have my friends over to act as a guinea pig to my cooking, it's been so long I am getting rusty.
Menu for tonight: Vodka Cream Pasta with Garlic bread for dipping & a good red wine.