Coming back from 2 days off from work, it felt like I had been off for 10...
98 emails - each requiring a further 3-4 emails to get them resolved - added to my tree-destroying To Do List and I'm desperately hanging onto my sanity.
I have an appointment to sign my papers for the house on Friday and I got to choose my wooden flooring today. Except I had 5 minutes to choose because my boss called an unexpected meeting ( he had a very serious face so I couldn't dispute it)
I've been oscillating between darkish flooring and light flooring- and being Gemini -both appeal to me!
Having 5 minutes to decide forced me to go with my gut. The choice of carpet and tiles really aren't nice and if I don't change the flooring now, it will become a project I'll keep wanting to do, but never get around to doing because I would never have the time/money/all the above.
Due to financial constraints and thanks to an inside connection, I will be replacing the flooring in my bedroom downstairs and in my loft/tv room upstairs at a very reasonable price.
Perhaps it will sink in soon. It still doesn't feel real!