Today I would like to introduce you to a new blogger I have recently discovered.
This lass - Thelma - hails all the way from Ireland and her blog is a mix of fun pics and style and random things that make her happy.
For a fun visit, say hi to her
But first get to know
Little t a bit better:
1: Why did you decide to start a blog?
I started my blog because I was so addicted to reading other blogs and came across things on them daily that I wanted to remember. I didn't even tell anyone about it for the first few months... and I was the only person reading it. I love having my own little bit of space on the web.
2: What is the silliest thing you have done with your hair?
When I was about 8, I had my hair cropped because I wanted to look like my Mam. I looked like a little boy in a dress. I loved it at the time. Other than that, when I was about 12-13 years old, I frequently used the spice girls for hair inspiration.
3: Tell us about your first kiss
My first kiss was very very innocent. I was at a kind of summer camp in the West of Ireland. It was with a very beautiful boy named William. Afterwards, he bought me a packet of fruit pastilles and I thought it was the most romantic thing.
4: If you could live anywhere in the world - where would it be?
This one is easy. I would live in Paris.I first went when I was about 16 and fell in love with the city and everything about it.
5: What is your favourite comfort food?
I can't pick just one. My Mam and sister, Fiona are both unbelievable cooks and anything home-cooked and carb-heavy does it for me.
6: Ellen or Oprah?
If I had to choose, Oprah. But I love Ellen's dancing!
7: If you were a licorice allsort - which colour would you be?
I would probably be black. Not beacause Im mysterious or anything like that, but just because I wear black so much.
8: What are some of your other nicknames?
I don't think I really have any nicknames, that I know of anyway. It was my cousin and very good friend, Jamie, who called me little t and it just sort of stuck.
9: If you could be any celebrity for a day - who would you be?
Vanessa Paradis. For obvious reasons.
10: Easter Bunny or father Christmas?
Santa of course. I love Christmas!