It is partly the reason I have not blogged for such a long time.
It is sucking me dry emotionally & I have hardly had a chance to think about anything besides how unhappy I am and how desperately I need to find a new job.
I am the only person in the marketing department for a company with a sales force of 30 people. Marketing is supposed to be the foundation of sales, right now, I am just the crap under their feet.
There is only so much work I can do and the more I sit and talk to the bosses about how I am just too over-loaded, the more they say they understand. In the next breathe I get shouted at because my work is not all up to date - WTF?
Anyway - I am digressing.
I think the universe has been trying to tell me something lately.
2 weeks ago I got dressed to go to gym (a place that I vaguely remember since its been so long since I last exercised) and as I opened the door, the heavens opened up and a downpour ensued.
I looked up at the sky, said to God: "Ok, God, I will stay at home because it is safer"
The exact same thing happened this past weekend - so I reckon God likes me chubby or I might die of a heart attack due to all the stress I have been under.
The past 2 days my cats have been following me like a shadow. They literally walk right next to me every step of the way, and if I stop for a second, they are twirling themselves around my legs and meouwing at me. And they don't like each other, so this is a huge thing for them!
Maybe they know something. I reckon I might be dying. If I do drop dead at work, I hope somebody drags my body out the building and say I died under a tree, this hell-hole will NOT be my deathbed!