Monday, 4 January 2010

Kissing MC

I am feeling quite vulnerable today.

I have been thinking about MC the whole day and most of last night. I sent him an sms:

Flirty is missing MC very much. "Goodnight MC" says Flirty
We didn't get much chance to kiss or do much of anything physical while he was here.
I got dressed while he was in the same room and he never tried to make a move on me. We slept in the same bed and he didn't try anything.

I was a bit disappointed and only on the last night did I find out why. I gave him advice on his heartbreak and he reached out and stroked my head.

On the first night we kissed very nicely. I thought it was the beginning of more to come. It wasn't. On New years eve as the clock hit midnight, we kissed Happy New Year (no tongue)
We kissed bye at the airport but again no tongue.

Kissing is very personal to me - and I love kissing! It gives me insight into the other persons emotions. It forms a bond between me and that guy.

I am kind of like Pretty Woman in thisregard. I could sleep with a guy easier than i could kiss him if I do not feel an emotional connection.

I want his heart to be healed. I want him to be over the heartache I know he is going through.

I want to be somewhere deserted (under the gazebo again) and hold each other and kiss and become closer.

I know we are right for each other. I hate waiting... I want to start a relationship with him.


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