Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Advice - to heed or not to heed

All my friends have been attempting to give me advice on the MC situation and my head is starting to spin!

Dino tells me not to play hard to get or give him space because if it is achoice between Devils spawn and myself and I take a step back it will give MC a chance to get back together with her.
If I stay in the picture & remind him I am here he might choose me.
What he says makes perfect sense.
I do not want to crowd him. I am sure MC's emotions are going all over the place right now & I wouldn't want to add extra pressure and scare him off.
Remember I am the newest on the scene, it might push him back into her familiar arms (already i fear that he is going to get back together with her and try again for "old times sake")
MC does not like to hurt people and I fear he might listen to his conscience which I am sure is sending him mixed signals right now.

SO what do I do?

I thought of reminding him I am here, but gently. So for instance send him an sms telling him I will be sending him random smses with single letters in them.
These letters will eventually spell out a phrase. Once he guesses the phrase he wins a prize... I go visit him in Durban or something like that.

Phrase could be: I am crazy about you.

Then every sms I send will have a random letter.

Example: Hi MC how is your day going? (Letter z)
Next sms: Sleep tight (letter c and bonus i)
Eventually he will look forward to my smses because they might have  clue from me (all guys like a challenge) it'll keep his mind away from her and then he'll discover that I am crazy about him as well.

Your guys opinion?


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