Tuesday, 4 May 2010


QT suggests we go away for my birthday and I get all excited.

Today he tells me that they are racing and we can't go.

Why get my hopes up? Rather look at the schedule before even suggesting it.

If I had never had any expectations, I would have planned my masked ball for that evening and that would have been that.

Now I am disappointed that we're not going away and because of that I dont really feel like a party either.

No expectations, no disappointment.

I am feeling frustrated and annoyed. I dont want to pick a fight with him, but I can see it coming.

I had to drive to his place because his 19yr old sister does not like to be left alone at home (in a complex with an alarm system), what about me driving so late at night in the rain and on a road filled with potholes?

I realise he is stuck between a rock and a hardplace... am I being unreasonable?

Ordinarily I would have driven to him just because it is fair for both of us to take turns to drive to each other. But when I am forced to - it leaves a very sour taste in my mouth.

When friends make mistakes

What do you do when your friend is making a heinous mistake and you just know that she is going to get hurt and make her life very complicated.
Tee dated an absolute loser at the beginning of the year - he suddenly broke up with her without an explanation.
A few months later he tells her is a recovering alcoholic (meanwhile he drinks her wine at the table and rocked up at her house rip roaring drunk)
They have been seeing each other again and they still fight over stupid things.

Yesterday she drops the bombshell that they are buying a house together and moving in together in August - they are back together.
(lift jaw off floor)
Is she crazy?

Why on earth BUY a house with anstable person who has a very bad trackrecord in his treatment of you?

I gave her the self respect speech and I have told her she is making a mistake and she should think this through very carefully.

What else can I do??