Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Still Missing....

Putting up signs today.

Have looked at my previous complex, walked the streets - no luck.

Keep praying please
Sunday, 24 October 2010

Easy to Make - Yoghurt tart

I shouldn't be giving this recipe out - it is so super easy, & the more people I give it to, the more people use it and that leaves my surprise dessert, well... not a surprise anymore!

This is super quick & so easy that it could be featured in "Desserts for Dummies"

Crushed Tennis biscuits
Melted Butter - enough to make stiff base

500ml/500g tub of yoghurt (any flavour, but beware of it becoming too sweet) My favourite: Lemon Meringue or Aloe Vera (by Parmalat)
1 tin of condensed milk
30ml lemon Juice
5ml of vanilla essence if you use the plain yoghurt

Press the crushed tennis biscuit base into a large pie dish and put to 1 side

Mix the yoghurt, condensed milk and lemon juice (and vanilla essence if needed) together in a bowl.

Pour into the biscuit base and microwave on high power for 2 minutes (this is based on my 900W oven)
Watch carefully and if tart starts to bubble, stop immediately.

Refrigerate for a minimum of 1 hour and decorate however you like.

Is that it? Yep, that's it!

Serve and enjoy - and you can thank me later.



My baby.

My kitty cat.


I finally get back from Cape Town only to find that my baby Da Vinci aka Boomie, is missing.

Everybody is telling me not to panic etc etc etc, but how can I not when I have no idea how long he has been gone for and if he is ok??

Tonight is the 2nd night I have been home and he is still not back. He would have come back for food. Boomie wakes me up if he is hungry (ever watched Simon's Cat? - Just like that)

I walked around the neighbourhood calling him and looked along the side of the road for (god forbid) his body and no luck.

SO people - please send prayers out there that Boomie comes home safely. I am missing hima nd so is his brother, who walks around the house crying for him.