Flirty at 17 years old:Life plan:Personal life:
Check list of my ideal guy:
Good sense of humour
Successful job – corporate type of guy
Slightly shy
Slightly jealous so that I know he loves me
Willing to share a bank account & pool our salaries for household expenses
Speak a few times each day
Wants to spend lots of time with me
Must love sports – cricket and rugby
Blue/Green eyes
Dark hair
Married at 25
1st Child by 28
2nd Child by 31
Top of my chosen profession – Chartered Accountant
Dressing in Power Suits
Happily Ever After?Flirty at 32 years old:Personal Life:
Check list of my ideal guy:
Good sense of humour
Get on well with my parents & friends
Fulfilling job, whatever makes him happy as long as he is solvent
Strong enough personality to handle mine
Not afraid to tell me when I am over-reacting
A good listener & a good communicator
Not jealous at all, I have too many guy friends to have to go through that conversation
Someone who understands my independence and does not see it as me being untrusting or cold
Understands the demands of my job
Must have his own interests outside of mine and not expect to do everything together
Flexible – Open to new ideas and plans
Love to travel and want to explore the world as much as I do
Mustn’t be a HUGE sports fan who insists on watching every single game, I am not willing to be a golf-widow or a sports widow
Any colour eyes
Any hair except ginger – sorry, I don’t mean to offend anybody, but ginger hair and my skin colour would just not go
Married: No – Marriage is not as easy as I always thought. As I watch a variety of marriages around me falling apart, I think I might’ve been 1 of those had I gotten married at 25. As you can tell me ideal man list has grown, however, it also shows how much better I know myself and what I wan tin a man and I am honest enough to understand that a relationship requires hard work, trust and communication.
I have changed so much in my 20′s and I have had the best time in my 20′s. Dating a variety of different types of men (& boys) If I had settled down, I would never have known which type of guy was my ideal guy & I would have settled for the wrong type – a soft guy whose life revolves around me. I would have eaten him up, spat him out and walked all over him. Before dinner time.
I am not an easy person, especially when I am under alot of stress. and I need someone to put me in my place occasionally. Tell me I am being full of Sh!t or tell me to calm down.
On the up side, I am a very loving & caring person when you know that side of me.
I am passionate, feisty and a fast thinker. I can’t think that a person would ever be bored with me.
I like to plan ahead, but I also love spontaneity from someone, where I don’t always have to be the planner.
Children: No – The jury is still out on this one, I am not sure if I do want children. Everybody tells me that when the right person comes along I will change my mind, but I am just not sure about that. I know myself well enough to know that I am too selfish with my time. I am also too impatient. Children are hard work. Do I want that? I don’t think so.
Top of my new chosen profession – Marketing & Design (Accountant – way too boring for me)
Dressing in anything BUT power suits (I hate power-suits)
Moral of the Story:Never plan your life at 17 – you have no idea who or what you will become and how your ideals and goals can change.
Life is a journey, enjoy the ride and do what makes you happy.
Life is too short to do what everyone else expects from you.
Never stop chasing your Happily Ever After