Thursday, 15 May 2014

Strange Dreams

Last night I dreamt that I was planning to commit suicide. I didn't want my money to be tied up after my death, so I bought my parents 1st Class tickets to London (on BA) and withdrew R80 000 cash for them.

I somehow managed to withdraw all this cash from an ATM and carried it around in an envelope under my arm.

I remember feeling a but sad everytime I spoke to them on the phone because they didn't realise that I was going to be dead soon.

I was extremely calm whilst going about all the arrangements. I don't know which method I had decided on...  I would think I would choose to swallow a whole bunch of pills and have a Cosmopolitan to wash them down. That would be a nuce calm way to go... drift off to sleep. Also very considerate to the people who have to find you. (A colleagues son-in-law hung himself from a tree in the backyard where the kids used to play)

I wish I knew why on earth I was planning suicide?  My life is pretty exciting at the moment!

So, dear readers... don't fret! I am here to stay for a while!

What is love | Jason Silva

I love this video - Jason Silva is so passionate & truly captures the essence of what love is all about:

Monday, 12 May 2014

21 Things About Me #8

Who knew it would be this difficult to blog once a week!?

I keep promising myself that I will give blogging a serious try again, yet somehow life gets in the way. Here is my commitment to you - I will Try Harder

This is me being serious

What is your Go-To Song?

For an avid music lover such as myself, this is not a very easy question.

I have a variety of songs that I just have to play to get myself in/out of a mood.

If I have had a really bad day: Happily - One Direction
If I am feeling like some love: Mirrors - Justin Timberlake
If I am needing energy: Cuckoo - Adam Lambert
If I am feeling the need for some anger release: Not Over You - Daughtry
If I am in a really good mood: She looks so perfect - 5SOS / Can We Dance - The Vamps

Having said that -
My all time favourite love song: Running Away - Eden
My all time favourite happy song: What Makes you Beautiful - One Direction
