The Slutty side...or the Flirty side- depending on your moral standpoint!
Up until recently I was experiencing a bit of a dry spell.
Open up the heavens- the rain has come!
MBA broke the spell, then MC stole my heart.
However,the nympho in me is still demanding to be satisfied.
Cue Dino.
I met Dino on the dating site back in April. No chemistry, but we stayed friends.
I recently went with him to a friend's wedding in Nelspruit and then on to a Game Lodge in Sabi Sabi.
Glass walled bathroom, outdoor shower, private pool on the deck overlooking animal's drinking hole.
Add some champagne to the over-demanding hormones and you have a recipe for some Ka-foofling...
Started off with a bit of touching... And again I ended up naked!
Thank goodness I still have enough sense not to actually sleep with these guys.
I'm very selective with who I sleep with.
But when you're a girl like me who has the body of a woman but thinks like a man- I need action because I'm thinking about it All. The. Time!
Meanwhile my heart has been with MC.
We smsed a couple of times a day for the entire time I was away.
He has even made me lose the bet and has said that if I'm still keen he'd like to come to Jhb for New Years Eve. I'm so excited about seeing him and the fact that he is willing to come back to see me! He's also hinted that he is going to spend 3 hours searching for my ON button (I call it my Kryptonite!) ;-)
Until the day after Christmas.
He called me on Christmas day and we had a really fun chat.
From 26 Dec I have heard nothing from him.
It is so disappointing for me!
I am trying to think positively but "He's Just Not That Into You" taught me that a man's behaviour is seldom as complicated as we like to make it.
I will have to wait until 30 Dec- if he arrives then all will be right with my fragile heart!
If not? I don't even want to think about how disappointed and heartbroken I will be.
Man I'm besotted with him!
I don't often feel emotionally moved by a man- physically? Easily!
Intellectually- not often.
MC is good looking and he is intelligent!
Hold thumbs people- I'm hoping MC is into me...
Through the Eyes of a Princess With Tiara on Head & Cocktail in hand, I make my memories!
Monday, 28 December 2009
Friday, 18 December 2009
Feeling good about myself
I have been feeling a bit low up until recently and the turn of events with MBA and MC have really improved my mood.
As I have learnt from previous experience though - person can not make you happy, you have to be happy within yourself to be happy.
However having said that - these are a few things that have happened recently to make me happy to hopefully help me reaffirm that my life does not suck as much as I sometimes make it out in my head - this isnt a list to say that I love myself, it is merely a nice reminder....
I have someone who is hopelessly in love with me and would do anything for me. I don't feel the same but it is nice to know that I can make someone weak at the knees
The make up artist told me I have beautiful features
I was asked for my ID at a club - they would believe I was over 25!
People gasped when I told them I was 30, they never imagined over 27
MC thinks I am Superhot
AC thinks I always have the answer to everything and I am the best thing that ever happened to her
Race car thinks I am one of the nicest people he knows
Today Racecar said i am "the perfect girl" because I like action movies and love sex and think like a man
My Housemate thinks I am always so well put together and on top of my life (which I know is not always the case - I fake it well!)
My friends phone me for advice
A top photographer once told me I had a good eye for photography
A wildlife specialist told me I had eyes like a leopard (I love Leopards so that was a great compliment)
The dress maker said i have a very nice hourglass figure (when is Marilyn Monroe shape going to come back into fashion again?)
- I got to wear a stunning dress for the wedding
- I wore slip slops most of the evening snd no one noticed
- I finally bought my Guess Purse and I love it!
- I am going on holiday tomorrow
- I got a bonus
- I have Christmas Presents under my tree
- Someone said I remind them of Sandra Bullock
- My family love me no matter what
- I have more than 1 best friend
- I am a truly lucky girl
- I am blessed with a great cleavage
- I have naturally long eyelashes
- My eye colour varies with my mood
- with some help from gel overlays my nails grow nicely and look pretty
- I love my Sparkly dresses
self confidence
Thursday, 17 December 2009
Just haven't met you yet
I will be going away for a couple of days and might not have a chance to update - I guess I am feeling the need to talk about a whole bunch of stuff because blogging is another form of therapy for me (next to gardening)
In actual fact I have so many random things going through my head at the momet, I will probably end up blogging about them later as well!
Until then... this is a song that I absolutely love - it has been played on the radio quite often lately and so aptly describes my life and where I am now - and it gives you some hope that there is somone out there for all of us and we need to anticipate meeting that person with all the excitement that the kiddies are surely feeling now for the arrival of Father Christmas and his presents for all the good ones!
I am hoping my wait is over... but time will tell...
Michael Buble - Haven't met you yet.
I'm Not Surprised
Not Everything Lasts
I've Broken My Heart So Many Times,
I Stop Keeping Track.
Talk Myself In
I Talk Myself Out
I Get All Worked Up
And Then I Let Myself Down.
I Tried So Very Hard Not To Loose It
I Came Up With A Million Excuses
I Thought I Thought Of Every Possibility
And I Know Someday That It'll All Turn Out
You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out
And I Promise You Kid That I'll Give So Much More Than I Get
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
Mmmmm ....
I Might Have To Wait
I'll Never Give Up
I Guess It's Half Timing
And The Other Half's Luck
Wherever You Are
Whenever It's Right
You Come Out Of Nowhere And Into My Life
And I Know That We Can Be So Amazing
And Baby Your Love Is Gonna Change Me
And Now I Can See Every Possibility
Mmmmm ......
And Somehow I Know That It Will All Turn Out
And You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out
And I Promise You Kid I'll Give So Much More Than I Get
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
They Say All's Fair
And In Love And War
But I Won't Need To Fight It
We'll Get It Right
And We'll Be United
And I Know That We Can Be So Amazing
And Being In Your Life Is Gonna Change Me
And Now I Can See Every Single Possibility
Mmmm .....
And Someday I Know It'll All Turn Out
And I'll Work To Work It Out
Promise You Kid I'll Give More Than I Get
Than I Get Than I Get Than I Get
Oh You Know It'll All Turn Out
And You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out
And I Promise You Kid To Give So Much More Than I Get
Yeah I Just Haven't Met You Yet
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
Oh Promise You Kid
To Give So Much More Than I Get
I Said Love Love Love Love Love Love Love .....
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
Love Love Love .....
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
In actual fact I have so many random things going through my head at the momet, I will probably end up blogging about them later as well!
Until then... this is a song that I absolutely love - it has been played on the radio quite often lately and so aptly describes my life and where I am now - and it gives you some hope that there is somone out there for all of us and we need to anticipate meeting that person with all the excitement that the kiddies are surely feeling now for the arrival of Father Christmas and his presents for all the good ones!
I am hoping my wait is over... but time will tell...
Michael Buble - Haven't met you yet.
I'm Not Surprised
Not Everything Lasts
I've Broken My Heart So Many Times,
I Stop Keeping Track.
Talk Myself In
I Talk Myself Out
I Get All Worked Up
And Then I Let Myself Down.
I Tried So Very Hard Not To Loose It
I Came Up With A Million Excuses
I Thought I Thought Of Every Possibility
And I Know Someday That It'll All Turn Out
You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out
And I Promise You Kid That I'll Give So Much More Than I Get
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
Mmmmm ....
I Might Have To Wait
I'll Never Give Up
I Guess It's Half Timing
And The Other Half's Luck
Wherever You Are
Whenever It's Right
You Come Out Of Nowhere And Into My Life
And I Know That We Can Be So Amazing
And Baby Your Love Is Gonna Change Me
And Now I Can See Every Possibility
Mmmmm ......
And Somehow I Know That It Will All Turn Out
And You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out
And I Promise You Kid I'll Give So Much More Than I Get
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
They Say All's Fair
And In Love And War
But I Won't Need To Fight It
We'll Get It Right
And We'll Be United
And I Know That We Can Be So Amazing
And Being In Your Life Is Gonna Change Me
And Now I Can See Every Single Possibility
Mmmm .....
And Someday I Know It'll All Turn Out
And I'll Work To Work It Out
Promise You Kid I'll Give More Than I Get
Than I Get Than I Get Than I Get
Oh You Know It'll All Turn Out
And You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out
And I Promise You Kid To Give So Much More Than I Get
Yeah I Just Haven't Met You Yet
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
Oh Promise You Kid
To Give So Much More Than I Get
I Said Love Love Love Love Love Love Love .....
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
Love Love Love .....
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
Wedding Bells & Kisses
I have always loved Gazebos. Have always wanted to get married under 1.
Quite fitting then that I should meet MC at the wedding and sit with him under the gazebo by moonlight. All very romantic I must say.
I think that was the moment I decided that I am crazy about him - after an hour - I know it seems silly, but something just clicked.
MC is a friend of RaceCar's who flew up from Durban for the wedding. His nickname is Gorgeous & he really does live up to the name!
But no only is he Gorgeous, but he is also such a decent, intelligent guy.
He is blonde, with pale green eyes & a fellow gemini.
At 31 he is also 1 of the top Architects in SA.
He told Racecar that he thought I was, and I quote:
I was quite chuffed and really excited to chat to him more exclusively.
We flirted at the bar a bit, drank1, 2, maybe 3 Tequilas and then went for a walk and ended up at the gazebo and sat under it and chatted for over an hour.
He thinks the same way I do and I understand exactly what he is saying when he talks about something.
At 1 stage he leaned over and gave me a kiss on my temple - I didn't think that could ever be sensual but - it was!
The wedding ended too soon for my liking and he had to get a lift with someone. He walked me to my car and hugged me and kissed me in my neck (Spot #2) and on my cheek and forehead.
He only came for the wedding and flew back today. I was very disappointed that I wouldn't get to see him again but he made me a R100 bet that I would see him before 16 January (1 month)
I hope I lose this bet!
I told him in case I don't see him within the month I need a proper kiss to tide me over. He promptly gave me a very decent kiss that stirred the loins!
As I drove out he smsed me to tell me a month is too long to wait, he will be back sooner.
RaceCar said something really sweet - MC & I were standing and talking and RaceCar walks up to us and tells me that I am 1 of the nicest people he knows and MC is also one of the nicest people he knows and that is why he thinks we are good together.
It all just seems so.... Fated? Am I reading too much into this? Why does it feel so right?
My best friend gets married and I meet a guy that actually seems to be the type I am looking so hard for. A sign from the Gods?
I am a very passionate person, and I tend to get really excited about a person I really like. I am really super-excited about MC. And it is not only hormones, it is something deeper.
We were able to connect on an intellectual level, and he makes me laugh. he isn't too outspoken, is a gentleman and very well mannered, even when he has had a few too much to drink (I can vouch for that because I was in the same boat)
I don't fall often, but when I do, I fall hard.
MC has made quite an impression on me.
Is he The One?
Perhaps I am being presumptuous and jumping the gun, I have after all only known him for a few hours, but I really hope that it turns into something more.
Meanwhile, the wedding was absolutely stunning. I was the Maid of Honour and my friend looked absolutely amazing.
I am so happy for them, they are so deserving of each other and everlasting love and happiness.
RaceCar has recently gone into kidney failure and has a 4 year wait on the organ donor program. Turns out his new wife is a perfect match for him and will be donating him a kidney after they are able to have a child.
This is 1 marriage in particular I know will stand the test of time.
This is the type of relationship I am holding out for. I know it exists.
True love. Total compatibility. Best friends. Lovers. Understanding & Patience. (all in no particular order)
Quite fitting then that I should meet MC at the wedding and sit with him under the gazebo by moonlight. All very romantic I must say.
I think that was the moment I decided that I am crazy about him - after an hour - I know it seems silly, but something just clicked.
MC is a friend of RaceCar's who flew up from Durban for the wedding. His nickname is Gorgeous & he really does live up to the name!
But no only is he Gorgeous, but he is also such a decent, intelligent guy.
He is blonde, with pale green eyes & a fellow gemini.
At 31 he is also 1 of the top Architects in SA.
He told Racecar that he thought I was, and I quote:
We flirted at the bar a bit, drank
He thinks the same way I do and I understand exactly what he is saying when he talks about something.
At 1 stage he leaned over and gave me a kiss on my temple - I didn't think that could ever be sensual but - it was!
The wedding ended too soon for my liking and he had to get a lift with someone. He walked me to my car and hugged me and kissed me in my neck (Spot #2) and on my cheek and forehead.
He only came for the wedding and flew back today. I was very disappointed that I wouldn't get to see him again but he made me a R100 bet that I would see him before 16 January (1 month)
I hope I lose this bet!
I told him in case I don't see him within the month I need a proper kiss to tide me over. He promptly gave me a very decent kiss that stirred the loins!
As I drove out he smsed me to tell me a month is too long to wait, he will be back sooner.
RaceCar said something really sweet - MC & I were standing and talking and RaceCar walks up to us and tells me that I am 1 of the nicest people he knows and MC is also one of the nicest people he knows and that is why he thinks we are good together.
It all just seems so.... Fated? Am I reading too much into this? Why does it feel so right?
My best friend gets married and I meet a guy that actually seems to be the type I am looking so hard for. A sign from the Gods?
I am a very passionate person, and I tend to get really excited about a person I really like. I am really super-excited about MC. And it is not only hormones, it is something deeper.
We were able to connect on an intellectual level, and he makes me laugh. he isn't too outspoken, is a gentleman and very well mannered, even when he has had a few too much to drink (I can vouch for that because I was in the same boat)
I don't fall often, but when I do, I fall hard.
MC has made quite an impression on me.
Is he The One?
Perhaps I am being presumptuous and jumping the gun, I have after all only known him for a few hours, but I really hope that it turns into something more.
Meanwhile, the wedding was absolutely stunning. I was the Maid of Honour and my friend looked absolutely amazing.
I am so happy for them, they are so deserving of each other and everlasting love and happiness.
RaceCar has recently gone into kidney failure and has a 4 year wait on the organ donor program. Turns out his new wife is a perfect match for him and will be donating him a kidney after they are able to have a child.
This is 1 marriage in particular I know will stand the test of time.
This is the type of relationship I am holding out for. I know it exists.
True love. Total compatibility. Best friends. Lovers. Understanding & Patience. (all in no particular order)
Sometimes things just happen
I have been feeling a bit despondant about my love life of late.
I am 30 years old and as much as I love the freedom of being single and able to kiss or date from a variety of men – it isn’t always fun and games.
Good decent men are hard to meet.
They are either all dating a woman from hell or are gay.
There are lots of guys out there with issues – believe me.
I have had my share of married men wanting to marry me and if I agree they will leave their wife. Sure thing! (NOT)
Another one wanting me as his piece on the side, even while I am happily dating. (Never mind the fact that 1 of my friends is his wife!!)
So anyway – MBA and I had dinner at his place on Monday night – I often go over to him and we have dinner, watch a dvd and chat about the state of our lives.
He, like me is still single at 30 and even more difficult than I am!
I find that he keeps too much of a tight rein – too much self control.
Monday night started much the same.
We ate and watched a bit of TV and he started tickling me – people love tickling me because I am so ticklish.
The problem with MBA being my friend – he knows all my most sensitive spots – I have shared this with him over the years.
My hip bone and neck are my favourite places to be kissed!
Would stand to reason that my hip is also very ticklish - he was tickling me until I was gasping for breathe when suddenly he leans down and kisses my hip.
That is my ON button – and with the current state of my hormones I had to grind my teeth together to stop from grabbing his head and begging him to carry on.
He stopped and looked at me and I think he saw the naked desire etched onto my features because he dipped in gain and proceeded to kiss both hips and my entire stomach.
That cracked the last vestige of self-control I had left – I grabbed him and kissed him.
We have been friends for 16 year and most of those years he has had a huge crush on me.
This complicates things.
It didn’t stop at a kiss. I managed to peel his shirt off and was finally able to run my hands over those firm muscles sculpting his chest, arms and stomach that I have secretly perved over for the past few years.
A couple of hours later – we were both naked. Yep, that’s right.
I didn’t do the deed if you are wondering.
I stayed the night and went home the next morning.
What surprised me is that it wasn’t uncomfortable – as I had always thought it would be.
He is a really good kisser!
Where does this leave us?
Friends with Benefits?
Act as if nothing happened?
I don’t know.
He is not my Mr Right – but I seriously enjoyed the physical closeness – it helps that we have known each other for so long.
But wait the Plot thickens… see upcoming Blog entry….
I am 30 years old and as much as I love the freedom of being single and able to kiss or date from a variety of men – it isn’t always fun and games.
Good decent men are hard to meet.
They are either all dating a woman from hell or are gay.
There are lots of guys out there with issues – believe me.
I have had my share of married men wanting to marry me and if I agree they will leave their wife. Sure thing! (NOT)
Another one wanting me as his piece on the side, even while I am happily dating. (Never mind the fact that 1 of my friends is his wife!!)
So anyway – MBA and I had dinner at his place on Monday night – I often go over to him and we have dinner, watch a dvd and chat about the state of our lives.
He, like me is still single at 30 and even more difficult than I am!
I find that he keeps too much of a tight rein – too much self control.
Monday night started much the same.
We ate and watched a bit of TV and he started tickling me – people love tickling me because I am so ticklish.
The problem with MBA being my friend – he knows all my most sensitive spots – I have shared this with him over the years.
My hip bone and neck are my favourite places to be kissed!
Would stand to reason that my hip is also very ticklish - he was tickling me until I was gasping for breathe when suddenly he leans down and kisses my hip.
That is my ON button – and with the current state of my hormones I had to grind my teeth together to stop from grabbing his head and begging him to carry on.
He stopped and looked at me and I think he saw the naked desire etched onto my features because he dipped in gain and proceeded to kiss both hips and my entire stomach.
That cracked the last vestige of self-control I had left – I grabbed him and kissed him.
We have been friends for 16 year and most of those years he has had a huge crush on me.
This complicates things.
It didn’t stop at a kiss. I managed to peel his shirt off and was finally able to run my hands over those firm muscles sculpting his chest, arms and stomach that I have secretly perved over for the past few years.
A couple of hours later – we were both naked. Yep, that’s right.
I didn’t do the deed if you are wondering.
I stayed the night and went home the next morning.
What surprised me is that it wasn’t uncomfortable – as I had always thought it would be.
He is a really good kisser!
Where does this leave us?
I don’t know.
He is not my Mr Right – but I seriously enjoyed the physical closeness – it helps that we have known each other for so long.
But wait the Plot thickens… see upcoming Blog entry….
Friday, 11 December 2009
Where are you?
Young woman with Spring in her step, Twinkle in her eye and uncontained laughter.
Confident and cheerful.
Sexy & bubbly.
Girl who takes risks and enjoys the thrill of the forbidden.
Today is my last day at work until 4 January 2010.
I can honestly say it has come in the nick of time.
I feel as if I am running on empty - even my reserve tank has been used up.
Bring on Christmas time and weddings and all the fun with family and friends.
I hope to find my soul, get my spark back and lose some stress and those extra kilos.
Roll on holidays!
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Monday, 7 December 2009
Sam/Jared, Jared/Sam - YUMMY either way.
Mrs Jared Padalecki…
Has a nice ring to it doesn’t it?
I amhooked on, addicted to Supernatural.
Have been since Episode 1, Season 1.
I used to give up time with my boyfriend so I could watch it.
I am a Winchester brothers groupie and I would have a hard time breaking Dean’s heart as I tell him that Sammy is my man.
I have a permanent flutter when I watch Sam/Jared. Those dimples have almost been the death of me on many occasions.
There is 1 major complaint I have – I am on season 4 and have seen only a handful of topless scenes. How many letters will I have to start sending to the Producers to get the Winchester fans some skin action?
Nothing like some muscles torsos while ghost fighting to keep the fans happy.
Hollywood – please give Jared a message from me that I am single and available to fly to meet Jared at a moment’s notice.
Santa Claus – please may I have Jared for Christmas ? I have been a good girl all year.
I crossed my fingers – because we all know Sam likes them slightly corrupted (Ruby)
Has a nice ring to it doesn’t it?
I am
Have been since Episode 1, Season 1.
I used to give up time with my boyfriend so I could watch it.
I am a Winchester brothers groupie and I would have a hard time breaking Dean’s heart as I tell him that Sammy is my man.
I have a permanent flutter when I watch Sam/Jared. Those dimples have almost been the death of me on many occasions.
There is 1 major complaint I have – I am on season 4 and have seen only a handful of topless scenes. How many letters will I have to start sending to the Producers to get the Winchester fans some skin action?
Nothing like some muscles torsos while ghost fighting to keep the fans happy.
Hollywood – please give Jared a message from me that I am single and available to fly to meet Jared at a moment’s notice.
Santa Claus – please may I have Jared for Christmas ? I have been a good girl all year.
I crossed my fingers – because we all know Sam likes them slightly corrupted (Ruby)
Jared Padalecki,
Sunday, 6 December 2009
One of them....
MBA & I have been friends since highschool.
He is a very serious type of guy who worries too much about what people think of him and hardly opens up at all - but when you get to know him it is worth the patience.
I am one of the lucky few to know him really well.
Last night we go to his company function at a stunning venue called Summer Place.
We are standing outside chatting and he shares something with me that makes me blush with embarrassment.
A few years back while picnicking we were lying on the blanket chatting.
One of the Twins made an appearance – my boob popped out of it’s top.
Oh. My. Freaking. Hell.
Not something I want my male friends seeing!
I have been told I have nothing to worry about in the breast department, and I guess I am lucky to have been blessed with a decent sized cleavage that passes the pencil test, even at 30 when they are starting to succumb to Gravity’s sweet enticement, they are still firm enough.
I actually have a fan group on Facebook because my friend A brought it up in front of her boyfriend and from there it snowballed to such an extent that we all end up having random discussions about them. (don’t ask!)
The group however is all PG – nothing to shock anybody. So knowing that MBA has seen one… mmhhh
Meanwhile I am a walking hormone lately because I am not getting any action and desperately trying to distract my mind with other meaningless tasks.
It isn’t helping and standing so close to MBA last night I used a lot of self restraint not to kiss him.
He has a history of having feelings for me and I am not sure how he would respond to that. I wouldn’t want to ruin what we have – but at the same time I am curious to see how he kisses.
Do I – Don’t I?
He is a very serious type of guy who worries too much about what people think of him and hardly opens up at all - but when you get to know him it is worth the patience.
I am one of the lucky few to know him really well.
Last night we go to his company function at a stunning venue called Summer Place.
We are standing outside chatting and he shares something with me that makes me blush with embarrassment.
A few years back while picnicking we were lying on the blanket chatting.
One of the Twins made an appearance – my boob popped out of it’s top.
Oh. My. Freaking. Hell.
Not something I want my male friends seeing!
I have been told I have nothing to worry about in the breast department, and I guess I am lucky to have been blessed with a decent sized cleavage that passes the pencil test, even at 30 when they are starting to succumb to Gravity’s sweet enticement, they are still firm enough.
I actually have a fan group on Facebook because my friend A brought it up in front of her boyfriend and from there it snowballed to such an extent that we all end up having random discussions about them. (don’t ask!)
The group however is all PG – nothing to shock anybody. So knowing that MBA has seen one… mmhhh
Meanwhile I am a walking hormone lately because I am not getting any action and desperately trying to distract my mind with other meaningless tasks.
It isn’t helping and standing so close to MBA last night I used a lot of self restraint not to kiss him.
He has a history of having feelings for me and I am not sure how he would respond to that. I wouldn’t want to ruin what we have – but at the same time I am curious to see how he kisses.
Do I – Don’t I?
Friday, 4 December 2009
Yes People - it is finally Friday!
Do you have exciting plans this weekend?
Make sure you get some sunshine and enjoy an ice cream!
I will be Christmas shopping - please send me more ideas!!
Do you have exciting plans this weekend?
Make sure you get some sunshine and enjoy an ice cream!
I will be Christmas shopping - please send me more ideas!!
Woza Friday
Thursday, 3 December 2009
Happy Thursday?
Um... I think I've lost a day!
I woke up all bright eyed and bushy tailed (believe me, this in itself is as rare as a Queen Elizabeth cracking a smile)
I decided to wear my very pretty pink top for work and as I bounded out of bed I froze in mid-air...
Where did Thursday go?
Dammit.... I hate work.
I woke up all bright eyed and bushy tailed (believe me, this in itself is as rare as a Queen Elizabeth cracking a smile)
I decided to wear my very pretty pink top for work and as I bounded out of bed I froze in mid-air...
Where did Thursday go?
Dammit.... I hate work.
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Help me shop for Christmas gifts
I have a dilemma - I always do around this time.
How to pick the perfect Christmas gifts.
Christmas is my favourite time of the year and I love to pick out the most perfect gifts for my friends and loved ones. Not necessarily the most expensive, but most definietly a gift that they love - not always the easiest task.
I am especially struggling with a gift for my boss and his wife and a colleague who has become a very close friend - he has given me so much support and guidance over the last year and a half an dis very cose to my heart - it is also his birthday on 13 December.
He likes wine and has a great sense of humour and is very down to earth.
My boss and his wife entertain alot and have pretty much everything they could possibly want.
I was thinking of getting my boss and his wife a "couples" gift.
Please help me with ideas!
How to pick the perfect Christmas gifts.
Christmas is my favourite time of the year and I love to pick out the most perfect gifts for my friends and loved ones. Not necessarily the most expensive, but most definietly a gift that they love - not always the easiest task.
I am especially struggling with a gift for my boss and his wife and a colleague who has become a very close friend - he has given me so much support and guidance over the last year and a half an dis very cose to my heart - it is also his birthday on 13 December.
He likes wine and has a great sense of humour and is very down to earth.
My boss and his wife entertain alot and have pretty much everything they could possibly want.
I was thinking of getting my boss and his wife a "couples" gift.
Please help me with ideas!
Christmas gifts
Whimsical Spending

It’s that time of year where we all hold our breathe hoping to get bonuses.
I wish I could take that money and just spend it on anything I like!
What would I do with the money?
1. Go on a trip to Thailand and Singapore
2. Go Island hopping in Greece
3. Go for a hot air balloon ride
4. Buy a Guess purse
5. Buy a stunning sparkly dress
6. A whole day at the spa
7. Stay in the treehouses (with Jacuzzi) along the Midlands Meander
What would you do with your bonus?
Monday, 30 November 2009
Random Negativity
a. She slams doors
b. Leaves food to rot in the fridge
c. Is rude to my friends = ignores them even though she knows them
2. I get irritated by people who update Facebook with long- winded quotes – this is Facebook people! Not quote book!! I am part of Facebook to keep abreast of people’s lives and what they are doing, not the newest quote they have found on the internet.
3. I hate buying that stunning pair of shoes only to wear them once because they hurt m so much I can’t wear them again
4. Telemarketers who REFUSE to take no for an answer and force me to be rude to them.
5. Taxi drivers
6. Stubble on my legs
7. My housemate who slams doors – yes it is that irritating.
Random Negativity
Me Me Me
I am doing something very selfish. I am fully aware of it, and know it isn’t very nice – but don’t want to stop.
I still miss Joe and luckily because I had ended it amicably, and he was mature about it, we were still able to remain friends.
Joe is very different from Scuba (and most of the male population) in that he is one of those rare types that:-
· Pays attention to when you are feeling ill and genuinely cares
· Offers to rub your feet because you have been walking so much
· Compliments your pretty shoes/dress/bag/earrings
· Notices when you do something different with your hair
· Buys you thoughtful little gifts just because
· Gives little hugs and kisses every now and then
I missed having that in a relationship with him and even though we have had several platonic coffee dates, it isn’t the same feeling of being totally and utterly adored when we were together.
Joe has this way of looking at me and I feel feminine and sexy.
He loves my curves and I don’t feel self-conscious with him at all.
Scuba was a gym baby who only ever ate healthy foods and I always felt fat and clumsy around him.
He never told me I needed to lose weight – actually always told me that I am a Hot sexy woman - but for someone so into his muscles and his body, I am sure he looked at me and thought I could lose a few kgs.
ANYWAY – Joe and I went on a picnic and he asked me if I wanted a kiss.
This is where I should have said No, instead I said yes and he gave me a delicious kiss.
I did this for no other reason than I like kissing him and I like feeling sexy when I am with him. (so sue me)
I enjoy spending time with him, but I doubt I am going to realise I made a mistake and go back to him.
There are some things about him that I just don’t see me tolerating for a long term period.
Example: He likes to tell me the entire story of a movie/book if I have not read/seen it, even if I want to read/see it, too late.
He moans about bad drivers or not so perfect plot in a movie and then proceeds to harp on and on about it.
Makes comments about things that are so far fetched and exaggerated but thinks it is funny. And doesn’t stop commenting.
I am being selfish and even though I have tried not to give him false hope – I am sure he is holding out with a small spark of hope….
I’m going to hell for this…
PS: The Tide of Doom arrived. WOO HOO!!
Thursday, 26 November 2009
This is Me
Who am I besides another Blogger taking up a minute piece of internet-land?
I'm a complex person with hundreds of thoughts running through my head at any time. I'm a handful of opposites.
I love fluffy kittens and flowing skirts.
I like sparkly clothes and colourful jewellery.
I am wildly addicted to Eden, Supernatural, Twilight and sex.
I love hugs and great kissing.
I'm fascinated by the soft skin on a man's hipbone and I'm a slut for great biceps and abs.
I don't always brush my teeth at night and I go through too many batteries in my vibrator.
I can lie with a straight face, as long as they are small lies otherwise I develop a conscience.
I have a weakness for unusual, impractical uncomfortable shoes and I love nice lingeree.
I hate blowdrying my hair but have to every second day when I wash it or else I look like a fluffy tennisball.
I love reading and I hate clubs, smoking and all the terrible noise they call music that comes with it.
I like sexy cleavage tops and peach champagne.
I could eat junk food for dinner if I knew it wouldn't make me fat.
I never judge people if I believe they are being true to themselves- if not I lose all respect for them and once that happens, they seldom win it back.
I love driving fast and listening to my music loud and I always cry in sad movies.
I would donate money to an animal home over people.
I'm very sensitive to other people's moods and feelings and I am an excellent judge of character.
I trust my boyfriends even though I have been cheated on before.
I am extremely picky about who I date and believe chemistry is 50% of a relationship.
I hope that I can make a difference in someone's life, even if it is just a kind word in passing.
I love my parents so much and my biggest fear is losing them. It is an irrational fear as I know I will 1 day, but I dread that day because I am not sure I'll be able to handle it.
I don't respect my brother because of the way he treats my parents- it is disappointing and makes me sad.
I'm a hopeless romantic who dreams of the day I meet soulmate.
I love Feather Boas and anything pink. I get tipsy on alcohol too quickly and I love weddings.
My dream job would be a Wedding Planner.
My best features are my eyes and breasts and I wish I was a Size 10 instead of 12 leaning towards 14.
I'll try most things and have a very adventurous spirit.
I've been lucky with various celebrities, had lunch with them, kissed them, even had a fling with another.
Exciting stories to hang onto when my youth is a distant memory.
Although I voice all my thoughts, I am careful to remain a lady and be mindful of a persons feelings because at the end of the day- if you have your dignity and self respect, you're on the right path.
this is me
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
More Me, Less Me.
Blogging is very under-rated.
Facebook is your life at a glance. You update your status according to your mood and load photos. It's an easy way to stay in touch with your friends no matter how busy you are. (Trust me I know, I'm addicted to Facebook)
I check it every night in bed before visiting dreamland and if I have a chance I check it while on the loo- it gives me something to do! I'm a Gemini, I have to constantly be busy!
Yet to really make your mark in Cyberspace and in people's lives- blogging is the ideal medium.
I had a blog I updated regularly and found it to be most therapeutic.
I'm a passionate person and I am impulsive. I feel things deeply- good and bad- and I used to write about it all.
The problem I had with this is that my friends would take some of the things I said too seriously. Eg: dip me in tar and burn me alive because I hate my job so much- is not meant to be taken literally!
Also I think about sex a lot and these thoughts get bottled up- sometimes I need to vent and get it off my chest. Again when I say: give me no strings attached sex with 10 guys tonight- I don't mean it literally. (2 men would suffice thanks!) ;-)
I enjoyed their comments and advice- but I'm hoping in time the big world of Bloggers out there will offer their words of wisdom.
So in essence, this blog will be more me (100% honest) and less me because I'll be freely anonymous.
Facebook is your life at a glance. You update your status according to your mood and load photos. It's an easy way to stay in touch with your friends no matter how busy you are. (Trust me I know, I'm addicted to Facebook)
I check it every night in bed before visiting dreamland and if I have a chance I check it while on the loo- it gives me something to do! I'm a Gemini, I have to constantly be busy!
Yet to really make your mark in Cyberspace and in people's lives- blogging is the ideal medium.
I had a blog I updated regularly and found it to be most therapeutic.
I'm a passionate person and I am impulsive. I feel things deeply- good and bad- and I used to write about it all.
The problem I had with this is that my friends would take some of the things I said too seriously. Eg: dip me in tar and burn me alive because I hate my job so much- is not meant to be taken literally!
Also I think about sex a lot and these thoughts get bottled up- sometimes I need to vent and get it off my chest. Again when I say: give me no strings attached sex with 10 guys tonight- I don't mean it literally. (2 men would suffice thanks!) ;-)
I enjoyed their comments and advice- but I'm hoping in time the big world of Bloggers out there will offer their words of wisdom.
So in essence, this blog will be more me (100% honest) and less me because I'll be freely anonymous.
Monday, 23 November 2009
bachelorette parties
Was my friends Bachelorette party- all went out on Saturday night.
Was some lovely talent, but the man that took my breathe away... Rob.
I'm in love and don't have a chance- it was his bachelor party.
He was the epitome of tall, dark and handsome, was extremely well mannered and what a decent guy!
I offered to marry him...
I'm sitting in a situation with Scuba where he is acting a bit odd.
I'm taking his advice and opening up more (this doesn't just happen overnight) and he seems to be acting strange- think the Episode must have freaked him out- but I'm getting tired of being called moody and difficult.
Was some lovely talent, but the man that took my breathe away... Rob.
I'm in love and don't have a chance- it was his bachelor party.
He was the epitome of tall, dark and handsome, was extremely well mannered and what a decent guy!
I offered to marry him...
I'm sitting in a situation with Scuba where he is acting a bit odd.
I'm taking his advice and opening up more (this doesn't just happen overnight) and he seems to be acting strange- think the Episode must have freaked him out- but I'm getting tired of being called moody and difficult.
Sunday, 22 November 2009
the Morning After...
He and I had a long heart to heart and he raised some important issues I have:
1. I find it difficult to open up and let people in
2. I don't speak about my feelings much.
Ironically I want Scuba to open up to me more so that I can open up to him and he is doing the same thing!
We have a bit of stale-mate at the moment.
We have awesome sex to diffuse the tension - only to discover that the condom broke!
Not a small hole- a gaping tear the size of Julius Malema's mouth- greeted with much the same reaction.
After frantically calculating, I discovered I was on Day 14- ovulation.
I went off the pill after "The Breakup"
Would you wear shoes if you didn't have feet?
Seeing as I have my "feet" again, I really have to start taking it again.
I have heard stories of condoms breaking etc, just didn't think it would happen to me!
They perform strict tests, blow them up as big as balloons... How does this happen?
Wet 'n Wild? More like Wet 'n Weak!
Promptly went to get the morning after pill... Still a bit nervous. Will be waiting with baited breathe for "The Red Tide of Doom" as Scuba calls it.
Wetsuit and flippers- check.
Waiting for the Tide...
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Stay in bed weather
I'm missing the Bax.
This weather requires some cuddling with Mr British accent and sexy arms, while that mouth conjures up tingles and sighs of desire.
What is wrong with me?!
I am sick for Crickey sake! I should be thinking of healing my body, resting blah blah blah, instead I am obsessing over the Nooky I am not getting.
Ah the joys of nymphomania!
This weather requires some cuddling with Mr British accent and sexy arms, while that mouth conjures up tingles and sighs of desire.
What is wrong with me?!
I am sick for Crickey sake! I should be thinking of healing my body, resting blah blah blah, instead I am obsessing over the Nooky I am not getting.
Ah the joys of nymphomania!
Monday, 16 November 2009
Men... gotta bonk them
Hello my name is Flirty - and I'm a Nymphomaniac.
I think of sex all day.
Was recently doing the deed with 2 men.
The forbidden is terribly exciting!
I just couldn't choose!
Scuba is all muscle and goes at it like a jackhammer.
Joe is the gentle considerate lover. Magic hands, but lacks that wild passion.
Almost added a 3rd. Bax is a passionate man that almost kissed my clothes off!
Technique, passion, sexiness. Why didn't I?
A love square is so much more complicated than a triangle.
Bax went back home, I regrettable and perhaps too hastily ended it with Joe and I'm not getting from Scuba because I've been ill and he is sulking.
I need action!!!
I think of sex all day.
Was recently doing the deed with 2 men.
The forbidden is terribly exciting!
I just couldn't choose!
Scuba is all muscle and goes at it like a jackhammer.
Joe is the gentle considerate lover. Magic hands, but lacks that wild passion.
Almost added a 3rd. Bax is a passionate man that almost kissed my clothes off!
Technique, passion, sexiness. Why didn't I?
A love square is so much more complicated than a triangle.
Bax went back home, I regrettable and perhaps too hastily ended it with Joe and I'm not getting from Scuba because I've been ill and he is sulking.
I need action!!!
Hello World - this is me!
Hello World!
I am happy to be entering the great wide world of blogging out there.
Who am I?
I am just like any of you single, independant girls out there.
Looking to have fun, drink some cocktails and creating my destiny.
I do what I want because I can.
Controversial - sometimes. (lets just say you will not find me in Confession - the priest would be shocked) So would some of my friends if they knew all the antics I have gotten up to in my 30 years on this planet!
Always honest and always true to myself... and yes a little bit selfish!
I am happy to be entering the great wide world of blogging out there.
Who am I?
I am just like any of you single, independant girls out there.
Looking to have fun, drink some cocktails and creating my destiny.
I do what I want because I can.
Controversial - sometimes. (lets just say you will not find me in Confession - the priest would be shocked) So would some of my friends if they knew all the antics I have gotten up to in my 30 years on this planet!
Always honest and always true to myself... and yes a little bit selfish!
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