Monday, 30 November 2009

Me Me Me

I am doing something very selfish. I am fully aware of it, and know it isn’t very nice – but don’t want to stop.

I still miss Joe and luckily because I had ended it amicably, and he was mature about it, we were still able to remain friends.

Joe is very different from Scuba (and most of the male population) in that he is one of those rare types that:-

· Pays attention to when you are feeling ill and genuinely cares

· Offers to rub your feet because you have been walking so much

· Compliments your pretty shoes/dress/bag/earrings

· Notices when you do something different with your hair

· Buys you thoughtful little gifts just because

· Gives little hugs and kisses every now and then

I missed having that in a relationship with him and even though we have had several platonic coffee dates, it isn’t the same feeling of being totally and utterly adored when we were together.

Joe has this way of looking at me and I feel feminine and sexy.

He loves my curves and I don’t feel self-conscious with him at all.

Scuba was a gym baby who only ever ate healthy foods and I always felt fat and clumsy around him.

He never told me I needed to lose weight – actually always told me that I am a Hot sexy woman - but for someone so into his muscles and his body, I am sure he looked at me and thought I could lose a few kgs.

ANYWAY – Joe and I went on a picnic and he asked me if I wanted a kiss.

This is where I should have said No, instead I said yes and he gave me a delicious kiss.

I did this for no other reason than I like kissing him and I like feeling sexy when I am with him. (so sue me)

I enjoy spending time with him, but I doubt I am going to realise I made a mistake and go back to him.

There are some things about him that I just don’t see me tolerating for a long term period.

Example: He likes to tell me the entire story of a movie/book if I have not read/seen it, even if I want to read/see it, too late.

He moans about bad drivers or not so perfect plot in a movie and then proceeds to harp on and on about it.

Makes comments about things that are so far fetched and exaggerated but thinks it is funny. And doesn’t stop commenting.

I am being selfish and even though I have tried not to give him false hope – I am sure he is holding out with a small spark of hope….

I’m going to hell for this…

PS: The Tide of Doom arrived. WOO HOO!!


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