Friday, 30 April 2010

What happened to MC?

We still talk on the phone & he is still 1 of the best listeners I know.

Recently I had to make a big decision because I was seeing QT and I was chatting to MC every night & it was giving me sleepless nights... until the both discovered this Blog.
I must admit that the relief was huge!

Both men handled the situation so well - atesting to the fact that they are both indeed fine, upstanding men that I am very fortunate to have in my life.

I decided to give it a proper go with QT and MC and I had a chat about it.

MC is not in the right place and he needs time to get over his break up without pressure from me. When he is over it, we go from there (of course this is all dependent on where QT and I are at that stage)
My 1 real dilemma lies in the fact that realistically QT and I dont have a future together... yet I LOVE being with him and he makes me so incredibly happy!
Why would I want that to end?

So MC invited me to go and visit him in his new place over his birthday.
Obviosuly I want to go and see him - but I cannot possibly put QT in a situation like that.
If the roles were reversed I am sure MC would not like me doing that to him.

QT and I are planning to go to Ballito over my birthday and I want to visit MC while we are there.
MC and QT are friends and I dont want to stand in the way of that and also MC has had a tough time lately.
I think he needs the company and it will do him good to have some friends around as well.

I promised him that as a friend I would always be there, and I dont intend to break that promise - especially now when I get the feeling that he needs a friend. 


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