Tuesday, 4 May 2010

When friends make mistakes

What do you do when your friend is making a heinous mistake and you just know that she is going to get hurt and make her life very complicated.
Tee dated an absolute loser at the beginning of the year - he suddenly broke up with her without an explanation.
A few months later he tells her is a recovering alcoholic (meanwhile he drinks her wine at the table and rocked up at her house rip roaring drunk)
They have been seeing each other again and they still fight over stupid things.

Yesterday she drops the bombshell that they are buying a house together and moving in together in August - they are back together.
(lift jaw off floor)
Is she crazy?

Why on earth BUY a house with anstable person who has a very bad trackrecord in his treatment of you?

I gave her the self respect speech and I have told her she is making a mistake and she should think this through very carefully.

What else can I do??


  1. jeez louise, that's a tough one. maybe be there for her when inevitably it all falls apart.
    that totally sucks.

  2. as above!!! Not much you can do but support her

    Hope you doing well?


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