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With Claudz & Chantelle |
And now for the final installment of our little Chit Chat, hope you have enjoyed this series.
To catch up click here:
Do you ever worry
that you've made a wrong decision that could affect the rest of your life?
Yes and No. No because I love my life and I wouldn’t trade it for any other. Everything I have ever done has made me who I am now. But also yes, because there is always that “what if” moment.
No. I have lived by my motto – No Regrets. It may sound trite, but it has worked well for me. Yes, I wish I had done things a bit differently. But if I had? Would I have met the people I know today? I wouldn’t be the person I am if anything in my past was different.
What 1 sentence
will be on your tombstone one day?
I did it!
She made a difference
If you had to give up one
thing that you love for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Claudz:I think I could give up city living one day. I could rock a small town if it’s the right town.
Chantelle:Cocktails. I can’t dream of giving any other things up. Reading, sex, coffee or bacon – no ways!
Where do you want to
retire one day?
By the sea. Maybe Knysna or Wilderness – but we’ll see what it looks like years from now. Definitely close to the ocean. Isn’t a long beach walk with your partner and the dogs what retirement is all about?
A small town by the ocean. Or if I am fit enough – a little house in the mountains overlooking a stream.
In another life,
what would be your ideal career?
I still think I could rock the writer lifestyle. But be a vagabond too – so go where hubby goes and write where we end up
A photographer. Portraits and wildlife and landscapes. Spending hours in solitude waiting for that perfect photo sounds like bliss.
Who would be your
celebrity husband?
Adam Levine.
Jared Padalecki (Sam from Supernatural)
In your alternate
reality, what skill are you really good at?
Languages. Since we’re travelling so much I need to learn the local lingo instantly. Luckily I have a knack for languages in my alternate reality
Painting – I would turn some of my better photographs into paintings
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