Saturday, 28 May 2011

Stuff, stuff, stuff!!

I have always been a hoarder (no not a whore) and I love collecting pretty things & keeping them.

Well I used to anyway - these days I move so often that it really just becomes too much effort. In my frustration of trying to cram everything into my tiny apartment, I gave a leather jacket away to the lady who cleaned my bathroom.
It was a brown suede jacket I bought myself for my 21st birthday and it was in perfect condition - so much for sentimentality hey?

I find as I get older - I am 29 32 tomorrow and I am working harder than ever and really wondering if I can go on like this for much longer.

I miss my friends and family - while I am at work, their lives are going on along without me and I dont even have the time to pluck my eyebrows, let alone call my friends.

My Blackberry is in for repairs (the T button stopped working and you have no idea how many words I use that require the T button!)
What I loved about Blackberry is that it makes social interaction so much easier for me.
I can Facebook them to see how they are doing, they chat on our BB Group so even if I dont answer, I can read their conversations on the toilet when I get home!

My brothers wedding plans are so much harder now that I dont have email at my fingertips.

I haven't read any of your blogs and I am having withdrawals! My aim this morning is to post this and have a BIG catch up.

Anyway - I am digressing....

I found these gorgeous postcards which I bought on my trip to New York in 1998. They are so gorgeous & yet they sit in my drawer, never being used.

So, I think they deserve better than this - send me your postal address & I would love to drop you a line or 2 & pop it in the mail - I have always loved handwritten notes & receiving them - & this is something I would love to do.

At least I know my cards would go to a good home! ;-)


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