Thursday, 30 September 2010

Day 1 - Something you hate about yourself

Quite a few things actually....

Physically - I hate my double chin and the rest of the flab I have allowed to wobble pile up
                  I hate that I don't get a tan, instead I cultivate a freckle farm
                  I hate that I am always sick - I can't get my energy levels up to what they were

Mentally - I hate that I am so impatient
                I hate that I am not able to psyche myself up to exercise
                I hate that I am so intolerant of things - I get very moody
                I hate that I worry about money all the time


  1. i am also really impatient, hate it! (and lots of other things, haha)

  2. here here
    I can totally relate on the mental hate list...especially the last one!

  3. Your hate out numbers your love, thats not right. I have decided to ditch the word "hate" from my vocab. It sucks. Super Sleuth


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