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With Claudz & Chantelle
Claudz & I have been talking about doing this Blogger Chit Chat for over a year. But what happens when you give 2 busy multitasking Geminis something to do... it gets thought about, but never quite done.
Claudz and I met through blogging and went from being online friends, to friends in real life.
Find out more about her by visiting her blogs here:
I was bored and frustrated at work, lonely in a big city and wanted to write. Home alone one Sunday afternoon I stumbled up a Cocktails and Orgies blog and decided –yes! That’s what I want to do. I loved having my own space in the big wide world.
I have kept a hand written journal since I was 14. Writing in all those books takes up a lot of space! When Windows Live Spaces came out in 2009, I started an online journal. I have always been a very graphic person, so being able to play with images and colour while journaling was ideal. I remained anonymous for a long time, but after meeting so many other bloggers, I decided to just come out with it and be myself. Besides, my adventures aren’t as exciting as they were in my 20s, so there is no need to hide my identity anymore anyway.
What do you do when you have Writers block?
Sometimes I just ignore it and carry on hoping it will sort itself out. Otherwise I search the internet looking for inspiration or I go through old music listening until inspiration hits. I do keep notes on my phone of ideas and refer to that when I’m a bit stumped
I lie in the bath and let my mind wander – I usually come up with a few ideas, or else I just wait for inspiration to hit me again.
As someone who has been blogging for a while, what’s your best “blogging tip”
Have an identity. Whatever you want to be, be it. Don’t change who you are so that people will like you online. Be authentic and be yourself. If you believe strongly in something, let that be your identity.
Write for yourself, not for anybody else.
And what is your blogging peeve?
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What do you know now that you didn't a year ago?
That I can 10km if I put my mind to it!
That I would be willing to leave the country for higher financial prospects.
Are you a rule follower, rule bender or rule breaker?
Definitely a rule bender. I live in a very grey area. I’m a bit of a nerd and I won’t do something illegal but I sometimes change the rules to suit me.
A rule bender. I am very stubborn and detest being told what to do. I am very strong willed, but not enough to do anything illegal, but I will bend the rules and give you excellent justification as to why I did so!
What’s the one quality you wish you had but know you’ll never have?
Compassion. I’m not the girl you come to for a hug. I don’t listen well to your problems and say “there there”. I tell it like it is and give you my honest opinion
Healthy food lover – I wish I were a girl who preferred salads over a steak and onion rings.
Everyone has a weird habit – what is yours?
I like to eat M&M’s or Smarties by colour. And as close to their rainbow order as possible. I’ll eat all the red ones, then orange, then yellow etc.
I have to step on the 2nd step of the escalator. I cannot step onto the first step, just cannot!
Tune in next week for Part 2
This was so much fun! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteAnd I must confess to also skipping that first escalator step......