Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Travel Tuesday: Hertford House

Today's post is not really about a travel destination per se... more of a road trip with the parents.

My parents stay in the deeeep south of Johannesburg in a small town by the name of Walkerville.
Everybody knows everybody - and there are almost more pubs than people in this little town.

People go to the shop without any shoes and the only people staring are the "out-of-towners" like myself.

My parents were burgled recently while they were asleep in their house. My dad - usually a light sleeper- never woke up and I am thankful for that. I am pissed off because my parents are not well off and everything they have has wither been worked really hard for, or given as a gift. They do not have insurance as it is simply too costly.

My biggest fear is losing my parents - I am not sure I would be able to cope with that loss...

Anyway, I digress.... I like to take my parents to new places outside of their sleepy little town, and this time I took them for Sunday lunch at Hertford House.

If you are a regular reader of my blog you would have read about Hertford House here when I went with my friends.

Here is a post from my roadtrip with my folks - and a silent thank you that they were unharmed.
Wondering why I am not focussing on them...

"Ah that's better - our daughter knows how to use the camera"

My mom releasing the inner child

Mom wanting to play Photographer - making me a model

I love plants and flowers

Dad retaliating with his inner child

Gorgeous rock building

Pretty blossoms



  1. Oh no! It upsets me when people steal from others!!!
    My inner rage grows bigger and bigger towards the crime in our country! *sob*
    Glad that they were unharmed!

  2. Looks very peaceful and tranquil there. Glad to hear your parents weren't harmed but know it is still a huge emotional shake when something like that happens so sweet of you to organise this little getaway.

    xoxo One Stiletto At a Time fashion and beauty blog

  3. I am so pleased that your parents slept through it! (And what a lovely treat you arranged for them!)


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