Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Can you keep a secret?

Remember I mentioned a while back that I had some big decisions to make?
So now that it's all gone through I don't have to worry about jinxing it.. ..
I bought a townhouse !
This is a huge commitment for me. 

Let me tell you how it all started: I've been feeling this restlessness for a while now,  partly to do with the fact that I'm still single and because I'm living in between 2 of the noisiest neighbours ever!
I've always rented for 2 reasons:
1. Too expensive to buy on my own in an area I like , Sandton or Fourways.
2. Because of No1, I thought I would wait to get married and we buy together.

I love the area I am currently living in and on my way to work 1 morning I saw a new development open for sale.  On a whim,  I stopped and had a look.

It was fate!  Not only were they  loft apartments,  but they were affordable too,  and in the area I like!

I chose a unit there on the spot and signed! I got to the office and told Tee,  who’s response was: I didn't even know you were looking!
I wasn't .

It took me ages to actually submit my loan application as I needed bank statements.  I called up Std bank and they emailed them to me immediately ! Stress free application.  6 days later.. . Approved.
Whoop whoop!

It is still alot more money every month,  but I finally found a place I love in the area I love!
Its a 1 bedroom loft with space for a dining table (TV room/lounge) will be upstairs which opens up onto a covered patio with small area on patio that's open.
And they allow cats ! :-) otherwise it wouldn't have been an option anyway!

My rent agreement ends Feb and I get to move to new place end March.  Sure my landlord will extend lease another month.

So everything has gone smoothly enough. 

It took me longer to decide on my phone and my camera than a townhouse.  Go figure!
I never said I was conventional !

I still haven't shared the news with anyone other than Tee and my parents  so ssshhhhh ! :-)

Let's hope I finally get that raise I've been waiting for since Dec 2011. Otherwise things are going to be right financially. 
As I said to my mom,  I won't be able to afford going out to dinners as much,  so I will be thin in my new house!  Ha ha

Next good thing that's gonna happen. .. I'm winning those tickets to New York Baby!

If you wanna help me,  please record yourself saying One Direction . That's all I need.  Will be working on the video this weekend .

Hold thumbs that my life continues on this path... I like me so much better when I'm happy!


  1. OMG Flirty!!!!
    This is huge and exciting.

    Now, get your ass over to my blog and see my post. They say Gem's act in pairs


    PS - will get on to that video


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