Friday, 3 June 2011

You Can Tell if a Woman Has Had an Orgasm by How She Walks

I can't tell if this is true or not - but I found it fascinating nonetheless....

A group of sexologists (which is apparently a thing) from the Universite Catholique de Louvain in Belgium studied the connection between the way a woman walks and her vaginal orgasm history. What else did you think sexologists studied?
They gathered a group of women -- half had never had vaginal orgasms, half had. And then, we shit you not, the scientists had to guess which group each lady fell into by the way she sashayed her stuff across the room.
It worked. The sexologists could determine whether or not the woman in question could have a vaginal orgasm with freaking 81.25 percent accuracy.
The experts say women who were climaxing from the inside had longer stride lengths, greater pelvic rotation and an "absence of both flaccid and locked muscles." In other words, they had a little shake in their hips, a little pep in their stride and didn't look like they were clenching a tennis ball with their thigh muscles. A loose but confident walk. Now you know, and you'll never, never un-know.
We're so sorry.

From here



  1. You've now just made me spit my water all over the floor and shriek with laughter, lol!!

  2. LOL! good to know! shall i tweet this? :)

  3. @Reni: By all means - go ahead and tweet - it may be educational for some! ;-)

    @Kate: Glad! I also couldnt stop laughing when I read this - just had to write about it!


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