Sunday, 17 October 2010

Day 07 → Someone who has made your life worth living for

My Parents

They are the reason I am here.

Without my parents support and love - I have no idea where I would be or what kind of person I would be.

My parents gave up a lot for us when we were growing up. I remember times when we were so poor that we had a generator for electricity and an outhouse toilet.

My dad worked tirelessly and when we were older my mom also started working again.

They are everything to me, and I live to make them proud of me.


  1. i like that photo of your parents. especially the tree behind them, very symbolic of life :)

  2. That is wonderful. 3 cheers to your Mom and Dad.
    its great that you have the love and give them the respect the so so deserve. Good for you girlfriend!! SwissMiss XX


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