I don't even remember how I found Kate's blog - but I am glad I did.
Kate is a person who is real. She makes me laugh and I guarantee you will love her blog. You will love her quirky sense of humour too!
Welcome Kate from The Cow Jumped over the moon

1: What made you start your blog?
I was - like everyone else in the world pre facebook - on myspace. I used to blog on there and was incredibly lucky enough to be chosen as a featured blogger of the week by one of the top bloggers on there, Stephanie. Thanks to her, I soon had a decent following, which was fun to say the least! It wasn't too long after that that myspace changed; lots of people were spending more time on facebook, and myspace became a ghost town of sorts. Stephanie decided to stop blogging on myspace and decided to set up home on blogger. Her blog is here - http://stephie5741.blogspot.com/ After becoming totally bored with myspace, I decided to do the same myself. I have to admit that I hated it on blogger at first; it was so different to myspace, but I guess it's me just not liking change, I soon got the hang of it. I have no idea why I actually blog, I don't tend to blog about one particular subject, I just ramble on about whatever takes my fancy. I have been so lucky to meet some wonderful people through blogger though, so I don't regret moving over here at all.
2: What is your last thought before you go to sleep at night?
I would love to say I thank my lucky stars for everything I have in my life, or something similar, but I'm much more likely to have a moan to myself about the time I have to get up at the next day!
3: If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?
I would be the yellow crayon. I think yellow is so cheerful and is capable of brightening up the most miserable of days. It would be nice to be able to do that.
4: Would you go back to a day in the past or to a day in the future?
Ooh. Neither. There are things I would like to be able to change in my past - I have made some woefully bad decisions in my past that have hurt people I love very much - but everything that has happened in the past has made me the person I am today. I don't think I would like to go into the future as I would then know what's going to happen way before it did, and I think that would take the surprise and fun out of life. (Although I would love to know what my wedding day would be like - and who the poor soul was that I marry!)
5: Do you like your name?
I have a love/hate relationship with my name. I have the exact same name as the girl who is going out with Prince William, and I get so fed up with people finding out my name and then asking me when I'm going to be marrying my Prince . . . sigh. I'm actually Katherine, which I don't like - I sometimes wish my parents had named me Catherine. Same name, but the C makes it seem so much nicer, haha! I do like Kate, and I love my middle name, Alice.6: If reincarnation was real - what would you come back as?
I actually do believe in reincarnation. I just can't accept that we die and that's it. What would I like to come back as? I think a cat. They have a pretty cushy life, don't they? The being able to fall asleep anywhere you like holds a major attraction for me!7: Really rich and ugly - or really poor and pretty?
Really rich and ugly. Strangely enough, having serious amounts of money always makes people much more attractive to the opposite sex, no matter how ugly they actually are, lol!
8: Complete this sentence - When I was 5 I.....
Wanted to be a ballet dancer. Having a growth spurt that left me just under 6 feet tall didn't help. Neither did my lack of discipline or my love of food.
9: What is your star sign and tell us 1 trait that you feel is true about you.
I was born on July 4th, so that makes me a cancer. Apparently we are sensitive, emotional, kind and caring. We also dislikes criticisms, can't stand rejection and gets deeply hurt by harsh words. Huh. All of those are me to a tee . . .
10: What came first - the egg or the chicken?
I'm trying to find a really witty answer to this that will have everyone holding their stomach's as they gasp for breath as they split their sides laughing - but I'm only half awake and I haven't had enough coffee yet. My answer has to be that it's the chicken, it has to be the chicken!
Thank you so much for asking me to do this - I think I'm actually going to cringe when I exactly how much of an eejit I come across as!
Kate: You are not an eejit - I enjoyed this - thanks so much for answering these for me!
Kate, one of my favourite blogging people out there. I really wish you lived closer so that we could meet up for some cocktails!
ReplyDeleteFor what it's worth, I love the name Kate!
I love finding new bloggers so thanks for introducing Kate to us - I am off to visit her space now. :-)
ReplyDeleteOh I loved this! Going to check out her blog now :)
ReplyDeleteWishing you both a lovely Monday!
Oh my goodness, lol! I can't bring myself to read my answers; I am such an idiot! I love doing survey's and answering questions - thank you so much for asking me to do this.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much everyone for the lovely comments - I'll be over to read your blogs as well!
yay kate! :)
ReplyDeleteoh my gosh, i love her :)