Thursday, 2 September 2010

Shopping for Men... for Women

Went shopping for a birthday present fo rmy boss yesterday. This man is a very difficult man to buy for!

I settled on some nice work shirts and ties as his are looking a bit tired.

Sounds simple. It isn't.

I found some lovely striped work shirts - blues and whites. But I never imagined how difficult it would be to find a matching tie.

I love accessorising - my friends always comment on how my accessories match (I even wear matching earrings on the beach with my bikini)

Logic dictates that a tie in a matching blue or even silver would match - nope. The blues are not quite right and the block design does not match the stripe pattern. Phew! Who knew this was so much hard work!?

I now have a new respect for men - I thought only women agonised over accessorising correctly!

It took me 45 minutes to decide on a white shirt with a lovely blue striped tie and I bought a plain, pale blue shirt as well as a vertically striped green and blue shirt.
He has a plain green tie at home that will go well with that shirt.

I studied the models up against the wall - and tried to copy their examples, but the colours were not the right ones ;-)

I do however like shopping for black shirts and black ties, or silver as a contrast or a nice burgundy - that's the easy stuff!

The gift was a hit - he loved them.

At the end of the day I put alot of thought into the gifts I buy for people and I hope that they absolutely love them.


  1. Well done on getting such a good gift! Your thoughtfulness shows.
    What did you get QT for his bday?


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