Thursday, 15 July 2010

Some random catch up

Taking a break from my photo challenges - it has been a while since I wrote on here & I am feeling the need for a bit of blog-therapy.

Let me fill you in on what has been happening:

  • I have finally taken my head out of the sand and realised that I need to get myself out of my ever increasing debt. Whatever happened to the financially responsible Flirty I once knew? I have now drawn up a budget but finding it very hard to stick to with so many unforseen expenses, and having a boyfriend who spoils me is not easy as I do feel the need to reciprocate every now and then.
  • In the interest (excuse the pun) of lowering my debt I have downgraded my cellphone account - I gave up the chance to own a beautiful Blackberry Storm 2 opting instead for a cheaper package and received a stunning Pearly White 8520. I am loving my little phone and all I compromised on was the quality of the camera - my Samsung G800 had a 5mp camera, BB has a 2mp and no flash, but considering I carry my Sony with me everywhere anyway I should be fine.
  • I have been having a blast withthe photo challenge and I absolutely love everyones take on the challenges - we need more of these types of challenges; photos, quizzes etc, for example: Random Fun fact days: Day 1: A memory from when you were 5. Day 2: If you could be a Disney Princess who would you be? etc etc etc Does anyone have more of these challenges out there?
  • I watched Eclipse - oh man I loved it!! I love that Edward smiles more and Bella is not as jerky and stilted as she was in the past. I love that Jacob runs around with no shirt on - one of my favourite lines: "Don't you on a shirt?" Edward to Jacob. The tent scene was awesome, I loved the softer side of Edward and a glimpse into his love for Bella
  • On a funny note, an email went around (I am sure you have seen it) where you take different aspects of your name and get silly things like your Gangsta name, your Soap Opera name and your Stripper name. Here are a few really funny results from my friends:
    • Troy van der Merwe (she wont make it)
    • Troy Muir
    • Mickey Boshoff
    • Tiger Easton - Mine!
    • my all time favourite.... Droopy Swanepoel (she will never make it!!!)
  • Kidney stones are so not fun - I was very sick not so long ago, but have kept a fragmant of the stone as a reminder to drink more water - it isnt helping though - I HATE water!
  • Tee and her asshole boyfriend are moving in together soon - he has already moved into the house and has now decided she shouldn't move in until the end of August - so they had a fight about it and now they are "taking a break"
  • I am not sure if I am cut out to be a PA any longer - my boss takes advantage of me and I have way too much work and I am scared that I am actually going to have a mental breakdown
And my absolute best piece of news:
QT told me he loved me! (It still gives me thrills when he says it)

I cannot believe that he and I are still together. He makes me so happy and I still cant believe that I am so comfortable with him.
I love that I can be myself with him.

I love him


  1. YAY!! He said he loves you!! Great stuff.
    Agreed on Twilight - Bella seemed prettier too. Edward is finally more of a "man".
    Bored at work - Do you need a hand with yours?
    yes yes yes, we need more quizzes/challenges etc. Will go searching sometime soon and get back to you....
    Budget? What's that? Maybe that should be an official challenge

    This was like a little chat

  2. you should make a new challenge :) :)
    and congrats on the i love you :)


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