Friday, 22 January 2010

Exciting Developments

For the past 2 nights I have been on the phone with MC until midnight - not discussing the ex, just everything else.
We are laughing like schoolkids, and getting to know each other.
This is the MC I know from the wedding, this is the MC I am losing my heart to!

He seems to be handling the breakup alot better and says my speeches have helped him.

Without sounding arrogant, I give very good advice on relationships - because I have had a few doozies myself and I always like to analyse them and look at the lesson I can take from all the bad experiences.
And I enjoy giving advice if it means I can help people.

The more I talk to him, the more I realise that he is the type of guy that is right for me.

I ask him all sorts of curveball questions and he has answered them so well.
I like to aks crazy questions like: What would you like engraved on your tombstone when you die?
The answer would say alot about a person and how they would liek to be remembered.

MC even ased me when I am coming to visit him in Durban.

We are making progress - I am taking it slow because he still has alot to get over, but I am hoping this is the beginning of great things to come!


  1. yeah for you! hope it works out.
    and by the way, on my tombstone i want the lyrics to "yes sir, i can boogie" on it.
    yes it's kitsch but it kinda sums me up.


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