Tuesday, 5 May 2015

{Travel Tuesday} Kimberley

Now that the April A-Z Challenge is completed, I now have the luxury of blogging once a week instead of daily.

We now return to our normal schedule :-)

Last year we wanted a short getaway over a long weekend and we chose Kimberley.
Everyone asked me if I was mad, but I have always wanted to see The Big Hole and explore the old town that is reputably one of the most haunted places in the country.

We saw and did so much and had a lot of fun in the process.

We paid a visit to the Big Hole and watched a short documentary of life in those times. It looked hard, wet and miserable.

Right in the middle of the town, all roads lead to the Honoured Dead Memorial. This memorial commemorates those who fell during the Kimberley Siege and was commissioned by Cecil John Rhodes:

Our Ghost Tour started at the top of this memorial and as we made our way around the town, we learned some very interesting things about ghosts and spirits.
That night as we were all eagerly searching for a sign of a spirit, a girl next to me decided to take a photo of an old ox wagon.
I captured this shot:

She held up her Samsung and captured about 6 spirits - orbs of light - swirling around right in front of us.
My flash was too bright to ascertain anything like that, but the low light of the Samsung was the perfect medium to capture the activity. Sh promised to post the photos on the Facebook page but unfortunately she never did.  

The old town still features some of the original buildings from that time as well as a tram and a few buggys.

The oldest house in Kimberley

We then visited a known haunted house called Rudd House. A 27-room house with passageways  that twist and turn.
Right at the end of the house was a room that housed a bed and a simple dresser. I walked in and felt the weight of something resting on my chest, I high-tailed it out of there immediately! 
I couldn't even be convinced to go back to take a photo. Later our guide told us that it was 1 of the rooms that had more sightings than all the others and that they were active that night. 
Can anybody say FREAKY!?

The Drawing Room - Rudd House
We made the mistake of assuming that our next destination would be open during the week and went past for a visit on our last day in town.

Dunluce is an old Victorian mansion designed in 1897. It features beautiful wooden fretwork on its' wrap around porch and balcony and is said to contain some of the original furniture as well.
We would have entered the property for a bit of a snoop around, but there were prominent signs adverting an armed response.
I was so disappointed to find it closed up with a sign saying "By appointment only" We tried to contact the guide, but their phone just rang and rang.
We took a few photos from the outside, played the fool in the street and then proceeded back home.

Something I couldn't get used to was the fact that all the stores and shops closed at 5pm. In Johannesburg that is unheard of.
Maybe that is why people in small towns generally look relaxed, because they all have the opportunity to live normal lives instead of being worked hard all the time.

Perhaps us city-folk could learn a thing or two....


  1. A feeling you cant describe but it's so real isnt it? Sounds like an interesting place to "hang out" with ghosts.
    I am still trying to visit A to Z folks and just say "Hi"
    Hope you enjoyed the challenge Moondustwriter


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