Tuesday, 14 April 2015

{April A-Z Challenge} The Letter L

L is for ... Leopard-Print Panties

At 1st glance this photo looks like it is meant to be a sexy suggestive photo to be sent to a boyfriend. In actual fact I sent this to my best friend... intentionally!

Why you may ask?

To show her how much weight I was gaining! My jeans would no longer button up.

I still have this pair of jeans and hope that one day, they will be able to live out their dream of travelling with me instead of living inside my closet being ignored.


  1. LOL. Unfortunately, I sympathize.

  2. I can't tell from the post whether the weight gain is desirable or not, but at any rate, thanks for your vote on AJ's story! And cheers for your insightful writing.

    (Temporarily!) Filling in for Author AJ Lauer at April A-Z Challenge

    1. It was wonderful reading your story-weaving Dan, thanks for stopping by!


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