Thursday, 10 July 2014

Zombie Apocalypse & other disasters

Survival Guide
With all the movies around about the end of the world, have you ever wondered how you would react if it were the end of the world?

Would you be calm and take charge, or would you hide in a hole and wait for somebody to rescue you?

I really hope it isn't zombies or aliens that cause our demise....

Rather a flood or something like that. Being in Africa we would have sufficient time to prepare a ship/boat - the squatter camps alone have some much rubble we would be well prepared.

However, if it is a zombie attack - according to this website these are the 10 vehicles that will help you survive.
I am doomed.



  1. Since I am doomed too shall we meet up for Sangria?

  2. GREAT IDEA! Name the date!

    We'll be doomed (& tipsy) together


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