Sunday, 3 November 2013

"This Is The End" movie redeems itself

From the Producers of Knocked Up and Super Bad comes the next installment in Guy toilet humour: This is the End.

I have a dirty sense of humour, but these movies are enough to make even me feel like a prude in some scenes.

I think the guys enough this type of movie with never-ending references to penises, cum and the likes.

When that type of thing is not happening, this movie is hilarious. James Franco and Seth Rogan are a brilliant comedic pair. Paul Rudd, Emma Watcson & Rihanna all make guest appearances.

At the end of the movie they are all in heaven and they are told that they can have anything they wish for, and Jay wishes for this: The Backstreet Boys

I got chills as they started singing!
This made the entire movie so worthwhile! Nick Carter has become super hot and my favourite Brian still looks good.



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