Friday, 15 November 2013

Things I learnt at #JhbBloggerMeetup

At my 1st ever recent #JhbBloggerMeetup (to be blogged about soon) organised by Johlet over at Our Journey to Everywhere I was listening to all the lovely ladies chatting and after Sue Levy's inspirational talk (Follow her on @Sue_Levy or read her Blog) I realised/learnt a few things:

  1. I shouldn't worry about how often I blog. I was always stressing about not blogging every day. Now I feel fine with it as long as I blog regularly.
  2. I should blog about what I want. Not worry about what others want to read. This blog is for ME. that was the whole reason I started blogging in the first place.
  3. A schedule makes a whole lot of difference. I have my regular #ManicureMonday and #TravelTuesday posts, but I never read enough. I know how have a Bookmarks folder for every day of the week and I read a handful of blogs every day.
  4. Leave a comment. We all like a bit of love, so it is really important to leave a comment. I committed to commenting, even if it is a smiley face. Kind of a "Flirty30 was Here"
    Having said this though - when I have to fill in those silly comment moderation things with the numbers and letters, I usually get it wrong. If you have that in your blog and I don't comment as often, that's because even when wearing my glasses I still got the letters wrong and gave up! (It is the thought that counts though!)
  5. Reply to your comments as much as you can. When people take the time to comment on your blog, try to show your appreciation.
  6. Don't judge others. We are all human. I was feeling pretty self concious about getting there and being the only girl without expertly applied make-up and perfect nails. I wasn't. Apart from a few absolutely gorgeous girls who belong on magazine covers (yes "sparkle shoes" you are 1 of them) we are all pretty much normal girls with a variety of interests and tastes. Yet we all had our love of blogging in common and that got us off to a great start.
  7. Start that blog. Don't be afraid. If you want to do it. Go for it. Do it for you. Enjoy it. 



  1. Thank you for this - I needed to hear it!!

  2. Blogging has really changed my life and I am so happy to have met everyone this past weekend! It was a lovely day. :)

    1. I agree Luzanne - it's nice to meet people we know we have something in common with already! :-)

  3. Agreed!!!
    And if it wasn't for blogging I would have not met you great bunch of ladies!!!

  4. Replies
    1. I am really glad - looking forward to reading your blog one day Mariaan! :-)

  5. Love this post! Make me feel better about not blogging every day either! xoxo

  6. Great Post, exactly what i needed to read :)

  7. exactly what i needed to read :) great post

  8. I am so sad I missed the meet up :(
    Great advice you shared. And I hear you about the word verification thingies - seriously!!
    Hopefully I am there for the next one


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