Thursday, 8 August 2013

I Went on a Date...

... and then 2 more.

I tried my hand at Internet Dating as I have had some successes in the past and I am running out of ideas on how to meet new people.

Began chatting to a handful of guys who seemed normal enough. Before meeting 1 in person I chatted to a few on email:

P: A gym instructor. A bit shy, but quite cute. Slightly difficult to have long conversations due to his shyness, but killer smile. (And I am sure he has a nice body - bonus)

G: Very intelligent guy, less shy, but more of the strange. Has cockroaches in his cupboard, to feed his snake.. who roams free around his house. And he keeps spiders.
Mmmh I don't think I got past the snake who gets to roam free....

M: Ticks almost every box on my childhood list and my adult list of  "Ideal traits in my future mate list"
When I was younger, my list went as follows:

  1. Dark hair
  2. Blue eyes
  3. Pointy edged canine teeth (Perhaps an early indication of my attraction to vampires?)
  4. Loves animals
  5. Likes to laugh

My list now that I am older:

  1. British accent
  2. Younger than I am 
  3. Intelligent
  4. Loves animals
  5. Has a job
  6. Does not live with his parents
  7. Financially stable
  8. Loves to travel
  9. Likes to laugh
  10. Preferably has hair (not on his chest)
  11. Someone who makes decisions and makes things happen.

The initial emails went very well and progressed to Whatsapp conversations. He talks as much as I do and is not afraid to answer a question honestly.
Date 1:
He invited me to a steak restaurant. Spoke to whole night about a whole range of topics. Turns out that we were both born in Rhodesia and our dads were both in the war.
His dad immigrated to the UK where M later went to Oxford. (British Accent!)

Date 2:
I take him to my favourite Italian place. Everybody needs to experience this perfect little gastronomic piece of heaven at least once in their lives.
I pay for dinner because

  • it was his birthday the week before  
  • because I had invited him 
  • because he paid for the previous dinner

I am not a lady who expects the man to pay for everything, We both work for a living which means we can both afford to pay for dinner.

Thins go rather well and he is already asking me to go away with him for a weekend. So I say yes and here begins one of his first tests: Can he make plans and stick to them (a pet hate is when people are always talking about doing something, but sit back and expect others to make the arrangements.)

Date 3:
He cancels an invite to my place for dinner because he has the flu. (warning sign 1: Since I've met him, he has been ill 3 times)

Date 3: Rain Check, dinner and a movie
He cancels because the movie would run too late and it's a "school night". (Warning sign 2: not thinking out the box and changing plans to an early dinner only & why suggest a movie in the 1st place then?)

Date 4: 
Meets me at the movies for our dinner and movies. I buy the movie tickets.
Despite me having hurt my back and asking him to walk slowly, he rushes me to walk faster and chooses a restaurant on the other side.
I order a small pizza and 1 glass of wine.
He orders a Large pizza and drinks 2 large draughts.
Bill arrives, he says: "We can split the bill in half"

Needless to say, this is the last time I will be seeing him.
He has proven just how important it is to get to know a person before making any big plans.

No more mention was ever made again about the weekend away (Test Failed)

Back to the Drawing Board....



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Urgh! That sounded so promising and then he totally let you down. (And I'm with you on the ''snake on the loose'' thing - no thanks!)


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