Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Claudz's Cooking Challenge

The lovely Claudz is hosting a 6 week cooking challenge from next week.
What I love is that she has given alternatives for each week's challenge to suit most people's budget and experience levels.

Claudz has encouraged me to participate. (Quiet the laughter) We all know I am no cook. I'm the Susan of Desperate Housewives who ends up with a fire and food in my hair while crying in front of the pizza I was forced to order instead. My version of dinner is pre- cooked meals.  Heat.  Eat.  Enjoy!

My kitchen is a huge storage space for my beloved Nespresso machine (incidentally now a year old,  my birthday gift last year) and coffee pods.  I'm sure the staff at Nespresso rub their hands in glee when they see me approaching their shop in Sandton.
I would love to be able to cook and 1 of my Twenty Wishes at the beginning of this year was to cook/bake more, but where would I even begin?
If you 1 of the braver cooks out there,  add your name to the challenge here:

Good luck!  I look forward to watching and drooling and wishing!  :-)


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