Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Inspiring other bloggers

Doing the Blog everyday in May challenge has brought back my love of blogging. I was in a bit of a rut and after really busy days I couldn't be bothered to come up with an interesting story to tell.

Now that I have the topics, half the war is won!

I work with Missy Pie (I gave her that nickname very randomly and since then, it's stuck) and her and I have become really good friends, despite the almost 10 year age gap.

She doesn't like the colour pink (ironic), any of my music (wrong) and cannot understand why I like the younger men (crazy) but despite that, we have a lot of common interests (Series, sneaky-chocolate-cake, books, movies, cute actors like Alex Pettyfer & Matt Bomer, funny jokes and some silly blonde moments)
Missy Pie does the same type of design work I do; so we can feel each others' pain when we're told to "just quickly design something"

We've chatted about her starting her own blog for a while now and when the Blog everyday in May challenge came about - it was the perfect platform to launch her into the world of blogging.

Please show her some blogging love. Pop by and visit her blog as she joins us in the challenge.
Leave a comment and tell her that Princess sent you!

What the Blog - Missy Pie



I love hearing from you! Thank you for stopping by.