Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Domestic Goddesses

Book club has evolved and is now Bookless Club since we all stopped reading a while back.
The get-togethers with champers and themes have continued and the girls have been stepping up their game!

The last theme at Tee's house was Domestic Goddesses. All good and well for them - they bake and cook all the time! I... do not.
We baked our own pizza with our favourite toppings Tee (vegetarian) even let me add a liiiitle bit of bacon to hers!!

For dessert we go to decorate cupcakes. I have never operated a piping bag before. But boy was I having fun once I got the hang of it!

What a fun day!

My Crown Jewels


  1. That was your first attempt at cupcakes? They're really good! I love the apron!


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