Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Where is Kate??

I am sure you are wondering the same....

Kate!! I miss you and your posts! :-(

Kate is the epitome of a true lady - she doesn't seem to realise her strength and her beauty (Inner and Outer)

She weaves fascinating stories about her life -  her challenges and joys -  Kate is 'real'

Whenever I am feeling rushed or down & have time to catch up online - Kate's blog is the 1st one I go to, it calms me.

I have it on my Bucket List to meet this amazing lady... One day I will....



  1. I would love to read this 'Kate's' blogs, where is the link?

  2. Her blog has been removed - It was called The Cow Jumped Over the Moon

  3. I am here! I'm never on google+ and decided to delete it - only to somehow end up deleting my entire account. (I know, I know!) Sigh. I'm not in the mood for blogging just now, but I am stalking everyone's blogs. Thank you for thinking about me; you've made me blush! xx

    1. Phew! I am so glad you are still there, I was panicking that Married life already sucked you into the Burmuda Triangle! xx


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